
Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 Articles

The Makahiya (Touch-Me-Not)

Scientific Name: Mimosa pudica

There was a scientific study on the Makahiya suggesting that the plant could store memories and actually learn.

Known to us all, the Makahiya folds its leaves when it is “touched”.

In the experiment, water was repeatedly dropped on the plant. Naturally, at first, it closed its leaves but after a few seconds, it realized that the water was no real danger and stopped folding its leaves.

The idea that plants could learn might need further research to prove but somehow, this could be a lesson to us all.That even plants have the capability to think. That plants also have lives. That our duty in this world is not only to consume but to preserve nature before it is too late.

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A Bird Ballet

Murmuration A starling flock like this is called a murmuration, a word that perfectly describes the rustle of thousands of pairs of wings.

There’s no denying that the murmuration of starlings is almost too surreal to watch. Seeing the motion that the birds create brings you to a dream-like and magical experience. Similar to witnessing a horse giving birth or a colony of ants marching towards their home, it makes you realize how intricate nature really is. That there is science in nature. That everything is connected and every little thing has its purpose.

It makes you wonder what yours is and if you are playing this part as flawlessly as how the starlings fly.

You wonder that if we could only be more like the starlings and play our own parts, then maybe, the world will be a better place.