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#asntm #asntm2 @KatarinaRodri 

Our diamond in the rough finally unleashes her potentials in a very “water-bender”-ish inspired pose. Katarina‘s powerful stare just pierces through your insides and makes you feel goosies all over (thanks JLo for the term!). This has to be her best photo yet and the only memorable one to be honest. This is the first time that she seems to be in the competition, and she looks like she’s in it to win it (thanks Randy Jackson!).

We also have to commend Mike Rosenthal for the great pictures this week. Great use of depth of field in this photo, which lets us focus all our attention on Katarina.

Watch Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 2 every Wednesday on Star World and Star World HD 9:40/8:40 PM JKT/BKK.

*Update* The show resumes regular programming on March 26.

Did you think Katarina deserve first callout? Is she Asia’s Next Top Model?

#asntm #asntm2 @Jojoblossom1

Fierce pose. Fierce face. Fierce style and everythang else. This photo (with Jojo and that red and blue flowy dress) is like fire and ice — strong, fiery disposition in a cool, breezy, relaxing environment.

Outside the photoshoot, Jojo is quite mild-mannered with her cutesy voice, but when she’s in the photoshoot, she takes on a strong, powerful persona. That short hair is doing her lovely cheekbones wonders.

This photo is giving me early 00’s Destiny’s Child Independent Women slash Survivor feels. Where can we get them gold heels? 😉

Watch Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 2 every Wednesday on Star World and Star World HD 9:40/8:40 PM JKT/BKK.

Is Josephine your Asia’s Next Top Model?

#asntm #asntm2 @SheenaLiam

One word: G-L-A-M-O-R-OUS. This shot would fit in a The Great Gasby-esque movie. Big hair. Sparkly gowns. Shiny jewelry. I love it!

Sheena embodies glamour, looking like she’s enjoying the sights and sounds of the city while bringing glitz and sparkle to liven up the nightlife.

Sheena hasn’t had a best photo so far. This, I think, is indeed one of her personal bests.

Watch Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 2 on Thursday on Star World and Star World HD 9:40/8:40 PM JKT/BKK.

Is Sheena Asia’s Next Top Model? Do you think she deserved best photo for this shoot?