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1 Year of World Vision


It has been over a year since my friends and I decided to sponsor a child’s education. This is our small contribution in trying to change the world. We aim to sponsor more children in the future once we get stable financially.

Education is important. It equalizes opportunities for people to elevate and change their lives.

Visit to sponsor a child.

“Don’t wish, don’t start. Wishing only wounds the heart.”

Reactions to JK Rowling’s Statement

JK Rowling has revealed that she wishes that Harry Potter and Hermione had got together at the end of the book series.

After almost 7 years since the release of the last installment of the Harry Potter series, JK Rowling has admitted that Hermione should have ended up with Harry instead of Ron.

The author said: ‘That’s how it was conceived, really. For reasons that have very little to do with literature and far more to do with me clinging to the plot as I first imagined it, Hermione ended up with Ron.’

Personally, I am a fan of Hermione and Ron. I am one of those whose hearts have been broken with this news. Of course, initially, I have expected Harry to get the main female character but as we follow the books and movies, I have been able to believe that Hermione and Ron’s relationship.

They may not be the most “credible” couple but this kind of couples exist in reality, and that’s enough for me.

I’m interested what how the fandom reacts to this.

What do think about JK Rowling’s Statement? Do you agree?

Reactions to JK Rowling’s Statement