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Where is the Mercy and Compassion for the Environment?

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Although it wasn’t highlighted as much during the Pope’s apostolic visit to the Philippines, one of the messages that Pope Francis advocates is the environment. His namesake St. Francis of Assisi is known to be a “steward of God’s creation,” with utmost respect to the earth and all of its inhabitants.

This situation is disappointing, to say the least. The theme of the Pope’s apostolic visit is “Mercy and Compassion.” However, being merciful and compassionate isn’t just reserved for people, but to all of God’s creation.

With super typhoons wreaking havoc on communities yearly becoming the new normal, the government should be placing more focus on launching projects for the protection of the environment. Climate change, global warming — all of these are more than just buzzwords. We are clearly experiencing the effects caused by centuries of damaging and neglecting Mother Earth.

Let us be like St. Francis and Pope Francis, who love the environment as their brothers and sisters.

via Mounds of trash left in Manila after grandstand mass, GMA News Online.