
Showing: 16 - 20 of 24 Articles

Can You Be Happy for 100 Days in a Row?

This site challenges you to be happy for 100 days in a row. To prove it, you’ll need to submit/post pictures of what have made you happy in Instagram, Tumblr or whatever means you want.

At the end of the 100 days, you can receive a little 100 page book with your 100 happy days. Of course, it is not about that or impressing other people. That will be just defeating the purpose of the challenge.

The important thing is that you subconsciously instill in yourself to notice the things, the little things, that actually matter to you.

My 100 days start today. Try it yourself.

Good luck to us!!

Can You Be Happy for 100 Days in a Row?

“Don’t wish, don’t start. Wishing only wounds the heart.”


Happy Chinese New Year from amiciness


Remember when you would wake up each morning looking forward for the day’s adventure? Remember when you would forget everything and just taste the warm sunshine on your face with the soft blows of the cold morning breeze?