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#asntm #asntm2 @SheenaLiam

One word: G-L-A-M-O-R-OUS. This shot would fit in a The Great Gasby-esque movie. Big hair. Sparkly gowns. Shiny jewelry. I love it!

Sheena embodies glamour, looking like she’s enjoying the sights and sounds of the city while bringing glitz and sparkle to liven up the nightlife.

Sheena hasn’t had a best photo so far. This, I think, is indeed one of her personal bests.

Watch Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 2 on Thursday on Star World and Star World HD 9:40/8:40 PM JKT/BKK.

Is Sheena Asia’s Next Top Model? Do you think she deserved best photo for this shoot?

You remind me of my daughters, Cami, Kimmie. I used to say to Cami, Kimmie: Warners don’t wonder whether Warners are winners cause winners never wonder whether Warners win.

“Sometimes I forget things. That’s why I have so many tattoos of butterflies.”

[vimeo 58291553 w=500 h=281]

A Bird Ballet

Murmuration A starling flock like this is called a murmuration, a word that perfectly describes the rustle of thousands of pairs of wings.

There’s no denying that the murmuration of starlings is almost too surreal to watch. Seeing the motion that the birds create brings you to a dream-like and magical experience. Similar to witnessing a horse giving birth or a colony of ants marching towards their home, it makes you realize how intricate nature really is. That there is science in nature. That everything is connected and every little thing has its purpose.

It makes you wonder what yours is and if you are playing this part as flawlessly as how the starlings fly.

You wonder that if we could only be more like the starlings and play our own parts, then maybe, the world will be a better place.