
Showing: 61 - 65 of 76 Articles

Jessie J Live in Manila

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Jessie J reading a heartwarming fan mail from a guy named Joshua Tan.

Jessie J and her music were her inspiration to stand up and be alive amidst all the adversities he is experiencing in life.

How ‘Suffer SiReyna’ highlights LGBTQI suffering

When I first read the title of the article, I thought it was about “Super Sireyna”. (You know, that sort of prestigious gay beauty pageant that empowers transwomen to be out and proud in Philippine TV’s longest running noontime show, Eat Bulaga. You know, the one where the contestants would spend so much (more than they can afford) on their long gowns and extravagant props when the cash prize was just a tiny portion of what the show was earning or giving away.)

After reading the article, I discovered and was surprised that Eat Bulaga has a new segment, a “spin-off” of the Super Sireyna called “Suffer SiReyna”. As the name implies and as the author of the article put it,

… in Suffer SiReyna, the gay men or transwomen contestants are made to suffer (hence the name of segment) through outrageous requests by the hosts, like the ingestion of kapeng barako (Barako coffee) in powder form, the eating of raw ground pork sandwiched in slices ofampalaya (bitter gourd) and stuffed with okra, and other similarly dehumanizing acts.

I think this was patterned after Killer Karaoke where one would sing while undergoing beyond imaginable “harmless” torture. Then again, Killer Karaoke does not discriminate.

Generally, I’m just saddened by the fact that this has been happening in Philippine TV and it’s not even in my Facebook newsfeed or any news venue at all (except for this article, of course).

I am disappointed that this public abuse is happening right in front of our very eyes on a live TV show with hosts include  a former senator and a gay man.

Filipinos are so sensitive about race, rape, OFW jokes and almost everything that’s offensive but when this happens, almost no one is talking about it.

As if it’s just normal.

This is just too sad.

I’m glad I quit Philippine TV.

To the Dabarkads, this is how we suffer.

How do you feel about this?

How ‘Suffer SiReyna’ highlights LGBTQI suffering