Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 5 Review + Amiciness Picks

Maureen in Asia's Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 5

Asia’s premiere modelling competition is back for Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 5. This photo shoot was sponsored by Maybelline NY (Make It Happen!) with the girls having to rock one of three looks styled by make-up guru Nigel Stanislaus. Shavonne Wong (Zhiffy Photography) is back behind the lens. Read on for my Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 5 review and how the girls fared in their photo shoot this week.

I’m okay with this theme. I didn’t mind seeing the Singapore skyline again. I also didn’t mind seeing that Roman-architecture-looking stairs that they’ve used as a backdrop since Cycle 1. The photos are much better shot than last week. Even though there are three different looks, the photos look cohesive enough in terms of composition and framing that they all look like they belong in the same ad campaign. An even bigger plus is that all of them looked good.

So who among the girls made it happen and who were not it? Here are my Top 3 and Bottom 3 photos for this week…

Top 3


Finally! I’ve been waiting for a photo where I can say that Maureen is a contender for the top spot. And now she brought and served. it. That stare is smoldering. She’s working that smokey eye makeup. She really captured the “midtown girl” attitude. Well-deserved FCO! 👏


If only this were a Tresemme shot then this should have easily won this week. Because look at that hair flip. I imagine a paparazzi going “Here Dorothy. Look here!” and then Dorothy turns with pizzazz. Love it!


Wow Valerie! This is her best photo in the competition by far. She actually looks like a star being captured by the paparazzi as she’s leaving her limo. The dress and her leg peeking through, divine! My only critique is that her jaw looks a tad too stiff. Luckily her profile is so good.

Bottom 3


Her pose in this photo almost looks like the one she did for the group photo shoot last week. Plus, she has the stiff jaw that her twin sister also did, but it’s much more obvious in Veronika’s photo looking straight at the camera.


Was this a candid shot? Because I feel like it is. Well at least that’s the “paparazzi” part of the brief down. For the “uptown princess” part though, I’m not seeing it at all. She looks like she just came up to set and left after just a few frames. Where is the Clara from the first week?


This photo was supposed to be portraying an uptown princess theme, but… it seems the princess has gone missing? I mean, I’m really not a fan of her makeover, but they styled it even worse for this one. That fur thing on her right arm is gobbling her up.

Full Ranking

Check out my full ranking for the Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 5 photo shoot, in video form, here:

Episode 5 Review

Nothing extraordinary happened this episode, aside from Maureen winning the challenge with her group with the help of her make-up skills and finally getting an FCO. I don’t remember much of what happened, actually. Oh yeah, we got another video message from Pia talking about an “international make-up company” instead of saying Maybelline by name. Either they didn’t have the Maybelline deal on lock when Pia shot the video message, or she’s working with a competitor brand.

In fact, the video content they’ve uploaded on their Youtube channel this week seem much more entertaining than the episode itself. The Maybelline video at the top of the post featured Nigel and Nametha, one of the more entertaining girls this cycle. Plus they’ve uploaded this video where the girls recreate iconic paintings using stuff around the model house. Maureen’s “Girl With a Pearl Earring” is an inspired work. The earphone earring! 😂

What do you think of Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 5? What are your thoughts on the episode? How would you rank the girls’ photos? Sound off in the comments below.

Also, don’t forget to vote for your favorite girl in the poll in the recap post. Poll closes right before Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 6 on Wednesday, 9 p.m. on Star World.

The Girl Who Made ‘It’ Happen: Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 5 Recap

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