The Girl Who Learnt She Was Flawsome: Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 4 Recap

The 11 remaining girls with social media star Andrea Chong in Asia's Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 4 5x04

Tonight, Asia’s biggest model competition continues, and we’re now down to 11 girls. Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 4 airs tonight 9 P.M. on STAR World. Follow Amiciness on Twitter (@amiciness) for live updates as the show airs. You could also check this page for a recap of the episode. 🙌

The official synopsis of Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 4, from the official website:

This week, the contestants receive an unexpected wake up call from digital superstar, Andrea Chong, who teams them up for their first Social Media challenge of the season; and they must work together again within the confines of a bus for an edgy Model on the Move photo shoot with resident judge Yu Tsai barking behind the lens.

As some contestants progress faster than the rest, these group challenges reveal the dominant players who hijack the set, leaving the weak links in the dust. Special appearances by model-actor, Jason Godfrey 😍; and model and social media star, Madi Ross.

(I added the heart-eyes emoji; it’s not in the official synopsis, but it might as well be. 😂)

If you haven’t seen the previous episode (or if you want to read more of this show’s DRAMA), check out my Episode 3 recap and Episode 3 review.

The Girl Who Is A Crybaby: Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 3 Recap

Last time I asked you who among the Top 12 had the best makeover, and here are the results 👏

The girls get home from elimination and over at the Bad Girls Room there’s a sadness in the air. Three of their roommates have already been eliminated: Anjelica, Heidi and now Jennica. Nametha is happy that she’s still in the competition but she’s upset that they had to lose her close friends in the process.

Over at the Good Girls room, it’s a much happier mood. Valerie thinks that the Good Girls are here to stay for the long haul. (Foreshadowing!) After the celebrations, Tu requests the other girls if they could sleep earlier or just keep it down at night. She needs to sleep early at night because of her health. Clara quips how they all go to bed early already before 12 and that Tu even sleeps earlier at 10. Tu then reasons that she hasn’t been getting a good night’s sleep for 2 days now because Clara has been noisy. Oh no, tension!

This leads to a shouting match between the two. Tu tells Clara to grow up and stop being a little bitch. Clara then retorts by calling her a slut. Uh-oh. Those are not Good Girl words, Good Girls! 🤑 (Side note: I love how the show censors “bitch” but not “slut.” In the hierarchy of curse words, I think the latter ranks higher and thus should be the one being censored IMO.)

Opening titles still gives me chills 💋

Alicia was half-awake when she saw “this yellow thing” enter the girls’ rooms. It’s social media superstar Andrea Chong. She proceeds to take photos of the girls while they’re still asleep. Rude! LOL! She’s doing an early wake-up call for the girls. Andrea is there to teach the girls about how to handle their social media accounts, which is very important for models today. She arrived super early in the morning because the girls had to take #IWokeUpLikeThis selfies. You know, the selfie where you say you just woke up but you’ve really been awake for 30 minutes already to complete your just-slept look.

Challenge: #IWokeUpLikeThis

The girls are teamed up into four teams, but they will still be scored individually based on their #IWokeUpLikeThis selfie:

  • Alicia, Cindy, Tu
  • Clara, Nametha, Valerie
  • Dorothy, Layla, Shikin
  • Maureen, Veronika

Nametha doesn’t really like taking photos of herself, so she’s goofing off with her selfies. She’s quite a handful, this girl! LOL! Clara is a selfie expert, even using her feet to prop up her phone for the perfect selfie. But in the end she settled for a selfie in front of the refrigerator. Andrea says that she’s judging for the girls’ creativity. They must realize that every part of the house is Insta-worthy. Valerie thought of her selfie pretty thoroughly: she shoots in the kitchen portraying a supermodel preparing her own healthy breakfast.

The key to the perfect social media presence, Maureen says, is being yourself and not having a fake personality. Ironic because that’s what Dorothy and Jennica have been saying about her. ISSUE! Dorothy loves Instagram, and you can tell, because the knows her selfie angles! Shikin, on the other hand, doesn’t like it and even finds it weird. All throughout the challenge, Layla was super silent and not giving input for her selfie. Thus, her selfie is not well-composed; it’s just her reading a book beside a glass door. “Composition matters,” says Andrea.

Alicia is “feelin’ hella sexy” and that’s what she wanted to show in her #IWokeUpLikeThis selfie. She’s wearing an all red outfit with fur and lying on the ground. Nice colors! The selfie pops! Cindy mentions how people who do#IWokeUpLikeThis obviously didn’t wake up looking like what they show in their photos. TRUTH! She’s lounging by the pool, but Andrea comments how what Cindy’s wearing doesn’t really look modelesque. It’s time for Tu to take her selfie, and of course she’s oozing sexiness. “Tu is just fixin’!” (Translation: she looks super fit and hot.) Even Alicia can’t help herself. HAHA. Tu mentions how important social media is for Vietnamese celebrities and their popularity.

Challenge Winner: Valerie (8.5)

Andrea really liked the composition and the colors on Valerie’s selfie. It shows her almost candidly while in the middle of the action but still looking model-like. On the other end of the scoreboard, Layla is at the bottom with 5.5. OH NO!

Cindy Mail: Stand out or sit out. But first… POOL PARTY! The girls are treated to a feast of chicken, fruits and various cheeses by the poolside. There’s even wine! It’s party time! It’s nice to see the girls unwind for a bit. Well, except for Tu who’s really focused on the competition. She likes wine but doesn’t even drink during the feast. Now that’s self-control!

Photo shoot: Model on the Move (Group shoot)

Yu Tsai and Cindy Bishop are waiting for the girls at a carpark of some sort. There’s a bus parked behind them. Oh, I thought the bus was moving when I saw it on the teaser. Well, it’s still okay I guess. The theme for this shoot is “Model on the Move.” Yu Tsai is pulling double-duty as he’ll also be the photographer for this shoot. This is a group shoot, and the teams from the previous challenge remain.

Tu, Alicia and Cindy are portraying rich bitches on the bus. Yu Tsai tells Tu that if she feels like fainting to just give him the signal so he can catch her. Awww. Alicia is struggling a bit and asks Yu Tsai a question on how to pose. It’s because she’s concerned about her big hips. Yu Tsai reminds her to be flawsome, embrace her flaws and work with what she has. This gives her a confidence boost and she poses better. Cindy is finding it hard to show “fierce,” that Yu Tsai even had to get mad at her just to bring the emotion out.

Shikin and Dorothy know how to work together, being that they’re Bad Girls roomies. But they’re having a hard time getting through to Layla. The two are portraying one emotion, while Layla is showing a completely different one. Teamwork is missing in this group. Maureen notes how she needed to look tall in her photo, because she’s with Veronika who’s taller than her. The photo shoot seems to go pretty well. Maureen is having so little screen time this episode. 🤔

“You don’t seem like you girls like each other,” Yu Tsai comments. Nametha shakes her head. LOL! She doesn’t really like Clara. Clara is getting in the way of Nametha’s pose. Nametha: “Move bitch, get out the way” LOL! I love that they’re teasing each other. I don’t think they have real beef; it’s just that they’re probably not that compatible as friends? IDK. Valerie, meanwhile, is in the middle of all this fighting.

Back at the house, Valerie and Veronika “devise” a “plan” to “spy” on the Bad Girls room and have a closer look at their competition. The bad girls are killer models, they say, so one of them needs to sleep over at their room. Veronika comes up to the Bad Girls room saying that she wanted to sleep over for 2 nights. Dorothy doesn’t even care if V is there to “spy” on them. Okay. 🙄


Model, actor, and overall hottie Jason Godfrey and social media star Madi Ross join Cindy and Yu Tsai on the panel this week.

We begin with the Rich Bitches of Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 5. 😂 Jason notes how Tu outshone the other two girls, but he’s unsure if it’s because she needed to tone down her energy, or the other two girls needed to step up. I think it’s the latter.

Yu Tsai recounts to the other judges how he needed to be mad at Cindy, even stomping his feet just to get the right emotion to come out of her. He wants Cindy to know that he won’t be there always to guide her, but loves her photo all the same.

Madi relates with Alicia’s problem; having been a model at the young age of 16, she’s been continually told that her hips needed to be smaller. Yu Tsai made the conscious effort of picking the photo that showed Alicia’s hips in full view. The fashion industry is cutthroat, y’all. But we have to learn to embrace our flaws. The Tyra Word of the Day is flawsome. 👏

Layla, Dorothy and Cindy were described by Yu Tsai as a couple of chickens running loose at the back of the bus. I’m quite confused by this analogy, but it probably means the girls didn’t know what they were doing or something to that effect. Layla still looks super down on herself; it shows both on the photo and in person. Which prompts all of the judges to ask her again if she wants to stay in the competition. Her reply: she doesn’t even know if she wants to stay or leave. Oh, the judges wouldn’t like that answer. Let’s let the scores decide, Cindy says.

For the other two girls, Cindy is disappointed with Dorothy this week. She’s worried that she might be lost if the shoot is not super commercial as was the case when she won her FCO two weeks ago. On the other hand, Cindy is super excited that finally Shikin turned up with a good photo. She outshone the other two, looking very fierce. She saves the photo, to be quite honest.

Maureen feels so-so about her photo, but the judges, especially Cindy and Yu Tsai, loved it. They love that she isn’t doing “pretty” and she needs to learn how to look fashionable, but she’s on her way with this photo. Good job, Maureen!

Valerie funnily describes their group photo as the bad girls coming to rob the Rich Bitches on the bus. That’s some creative storytelling! 😂 The judges note, especially Jason, how the three of them do look like they’re about to rob some bitches.

Yu Tsai says how there was tension between Nametha and Clara, and that he had to use that tension to bring out the emotion he needed from Nametha. She clarifies, however, that it’s not they want to beat each other up, but they haven’t really gotten as close as the others. So everything was purely professional. “Isn’t that unprofessional?” Yu Tsai asks. And I had the same look of pure confusion as Nametha. I love this girl! 😂 The judges loved her photo with Jason even calling it his favorite. 💗


Bottom 2: Layla & Dorothy

Eliminated: Layla 🇸🇬

Call Out Order 👇

  1. Tu
  2. Nametha
  3. Maureen
  4. Valerie
  5. Veronika
  6. Cindy
  7. Shikin
  8. Clara
  9. Alicia
  10. Dorothy
  11. Layla

Poll Time!

Poll closes right before Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 5 begins next Wednesday on Star World. 🙂

Next Episode: Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 5

This teaser is different from the one they showed after Episode 4, which focused more on the “tension” between the girls. 🤔

Watch out for the next post for a more in-depth look at the girls’ photos and our own ranking for Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 4. What did you think of the episode? Do you think the right girl went home? What was your favorite part of the episode? Sound off in the comments below.


  1. Anonymous says:

    I’m sorta skeptical about these best pictures. I believe that there has to be better ones.. 😕 especially with layla’s group!

    1. Cindy- i think shes the only one without a flaw on their shots among the girls. She has good connection and a strong enough face(which she’s missing in episode 1 and even last week)

    2. Maureen- a little tooch and a fiercer grasp on that pole would make her photo better.

    3. Veronika- i love her face here so much, but the body looks a bit weird, i swear i can hear her bones crumbling and that she’s about to crawl out of my screen. She does sell the jewelry tho

    4.Clara- “you bitch, you slut!”- lol that came out of nowhere, i totally cracked up when she said that

    5. Tu- um idk i think that its just too much, sure she stands out but with all the hair pulling, duck lips, strained neck, hands on hips thing going on, it just looks…. silly.

    6. Nametha- i like the face but the raised leg doesnt go with the dress and i dont know what shes doing with the clenched fists..

    7. Shikin
    8. Alicia
    9. Valerie- shes been producing boring shots in 3 successive weeks now. Good thing she did well on the challenge

    10. Dorothy- oh no where do i even start
    11. Layla- well, at least she tried.. Except not.

    1. I agree. I like this theme better than last week but the photos leave a lot to be desired. Thanks for sharing your rankings. 🙂

      To the other readers, please share your own rankings here in the comments. Or vote in our weekly poll above.

  2. Dean says:

    The end result of photos aren’t that good, and the angle makes the girls’ body gesture kinda weird. And the judges really have to pick those photos? I believe there are better results than those.

    My COO:
    1. Nametha — her hands kinda weird, but her face is stunning. She should’ve been the FCO.

    2. Clara — she’s so underrated this episode, seriously bottom 4?

    3. Shikin — weird body, but her face slayin.

    4. Tu — very good, but her lips just eww…

    5. Veronika — she looks better than Maureen here, as group, their photo is the best.

    6. Maureen — stunning face, but lazy eyes, and her body is awkward.

    7. Valerie — looks out of place.

    8. Alicia — she’s too, underrated.

    9. Cindy — fierce, but boring, looks like she’s just standing there doing nothing.

    10. Layla — not the worst, if only she didn’t give up that easily.

    11. Dorothy — wtf? everything with her is just wrong.

  3. Anonymous says:

    My COO:
    1. Nametha
    2. Maureen
    3. Tu
    4. Veronika
    5. Cindy
    6. Shikin
    7. Valerie
    8. Clara
    9. Alicia
    10. Layla
    11. Dorothy

  4. Anonymous says:

    Maureen’s picture was good but it wasn’t FCO material.

  5. […] premiere modelling competition is back for Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 4. This time it’s a group shoot. With Yu Tsai behind the lens, to boot. Read on for […]

  6. azalan says:

    Expected the unexpected ..maybe this time around the panel is looking for someone with darker completion , that is why Nametha, Shikin and Dorothy are still around….

  7. Missed out on the latest episode? Check out the AsNTM Episode 5 Recap here: 🙂

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