Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 2 Review + Amiciness Picks

Asia’s premiere modelling competition is back for Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 2. Lots of drama happened this episode. But before we get to the Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 2 review, let’s first take a look at how the girls fared in their photo shoot this week.

This week’s shoot is sponsored by Colgate Optic White. Inside a studio, with just a white backdrop and minimal make-up, the girls flashed their signature smiles. Each girl got to present four frames at panel, so variety is key. The week’s best performer gets the chance to appear in a campaign for the brand. Joel Lim is again the photographer for this shoot, his second this cycle.

These are my TOP 3 favorites and BOTTOM 3 for the week: (Check out the video at the bottom for the photos.)

Top 3


Dorothy has great teeth, and she knows it. That’s why she won this week. She gave a range of different smiles: from shy to cheeky to silly and even a bit mysterious. I do agree with Yu Tsai that it might be borderline cheesy, but as a whole, it worked. Although the one where she’s pulling on her hair is my favorite one. I could definitely see these photos, and that one especially, in a Colgate ad.


This smiley girl was made for this shoot that’s all about smiles. The judges loved her photos, and I love them too. The judges, especially Yu Tsai, pointed out how Cindy looked expensive in all photos. It could not only work in a Colgate ad, but also for beauty, jewelry, or other luxury brands. It’s the simplicity of it all, I think, is the appeal. If I were to pick my least favorite out of her four frames, it’s the top right one.


I feel like I’m wrong for underestimating this girl. Two weeks in a row and she’s been serving some pretty good photos. Her photo set has the most variety out of all the girls, showing a wide range of emotions. The top-right shot is sooo good; if Colgate doesn’t want that photo, it could work even better in a hair ad. The bottom-left one could well work as a beauty shot. I don’t think the top-left shot can be counted as a smile. It’s more of a “😱” emotion, isn’t it? LOL!

Bottom 3


Hers wasn’t the worst photo, at all. Unfortunately her low challenge score pulled her overall score down. I love how Lukkade, one of the judges this week, emphasized her “inward” laughing, because that precisely is the problem I have with these photos. That inward-ness is what makes her smiles look forced. You definitely see it in the top-left frame with her face all scrunched up. The bottom-right one looks more relaxed, at least.


Let’s get this out of the way: this photo shoot was designed to test the girls’ commercial skills. Layla is the type of model that doesn’t really sell commercial, but in high fashion, she’s gold. I think that’s what happened here. Add the fact that all four of her photos featured her in an unflattering pose, two of which seem to be shot candidly by the photographer. I think the top-left one is her best and looks the most natural. Hey AsNTM, give the girl some high fashion shoots to slay!


OMG, clearly the girl had zero f**ks to give for this shoot. 😂 Just look at her photos. It’s like the time when you were a hyperactive child and your parents forced you to smile and stay still for a good few seconds in front of the camera to commemorate your first ever role in the school play. The ones where she looks straight at the camera is haunting… in a very bad way. But the bottom-left shot is actually nice and shows her giving a natural smile. I really hope Nametha does better after the makeover. 🙂

Full Ranking

Check out my full ranking for the Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 2 photo shoot, in video form, here:

Episode Review

For Episode 2, they managed to bring in the laughs from both contestants and the judges, and amp up the drama, however manufactured it may be. The photos from this episode were much better in general than last week’s. Overall, this episode was better than Episode 1.

Pia’s Video Messages

I found it funny how the show had Pia say goodbye to the girls (and to the audience) in the first episode. She’s living up to her title as this cycle’s special guest. If the video messages are Pia’s only involvement in the show, then her fans would surely be disappointed. I’m hoping she’ll show up again, in the flesh and not on a video screen, soon.

UnREAL Villains

Let’s talk about drama. The show has already set up their villains, even highlighting how one room is made up of the bad girls. But they decided to focus on one: Jennica. The target of her villainy: Maureen. Yup, both from the Philippines. They started with the former, along with Dorothy and Nametha, accusing the latter of being fake. Adding to the fuel is Maureen’s getting a higher score than Jennica on a dance challenge, which is the latter’s forte.

I guess the show’s ploy worked: the Filipino AsNTM fans are fighting over these two, some even wishing that Jennica, who was in the Bottom 2, had been eliminated last week. See, this is what we always remind you, dear readers. AsNTM is still a television show, a “reality” show. Reality shows thrive on drama, but don’t get too caught up in it.

Random Observations

  • The deliberation room changes color to match the girls’ outfits for the episode. This week, they were clad in all-red clothes, so the walls were lighted in a reddish hue. Colgate branding! I just wish the set didn’t have those cheesy neon light “quote” things. “This is your moment,” really? 😂
  • Two judges from Thailand in the judging panel this week. FCO went to Dorothy from Thailand; Heidi also representing Thailand went home. Coincidence? 😏
  • So far, Cara has spent the most time with the girls, which I guess makes sense with her being the model mentor.

What do you think of Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 2? What are your thoughts on the episode? How would you rank the girls’ photos? Sound off in the comments below.

Also, don’t forget to vote for your favorite girl in the poll in the recap post. Poll closes right before Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 3 on Wednesday, 9 p.m. on Star World.

The Girl Who Is Genetically Blessed: Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 2 Recap

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous says:

    In my opinions are
    1. Dorothy
    2. Cindy
    3. Veronika
    4. Maureen
    5. Tu
    6. Clara
    7. Shikin
    8. Layla
    9. Jennica
    10. Alicia
    11. Heidi
    12. Valerie
    13. Nametha

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