Eurovision Song Contest 2017 Top Picks

Eurovision Song Contest 2017 starts with the first rehearsals next week already began with their first rehearsals in Kyiv, Ukraine, so I’m kinda late to the party this year. But however late I may be, I still wish to present to you my Top 10 favorites for the Eurovision Song Contest 2017.

Before we proceed here’s a refresher on all the entries joining Europe’s biggest music contest this year (except Russia):

Now it’s time to Celebrate Diversity with my top picks for the Eurovision Song Contest 2017. “Thanks for amazing show,” as many a spokesperson has quipped. 😂 Here are the points from the  Amiciness jury… (Kidding, I’m only one person! 😳)

1 point to Belgium

Blanche – City Lights

Belgium is trying to keep up their winning streak by recruiting yet another young artist as their representative. 18-year-old Blanche is the second youngest artist this year and her age plus her unique deep voice makes her stand out this year. Paired with a modern electro-pop song, Belgium might have a chance to make it to the Top 10 again. 🙂

2 points to Switzerland

Timebelle – Apollo

If you’ve read my previous Eurovision posts, you’ll know that I haven’t been a fan of Switzerland in the contest. I thought I wasn’t going to like this year’s entry either. But, you know what? The song continually got stuck in my head. Timebelle lead singer Miruna’s vocals are to die for; she’s even better live. I dare say, this is Switzerland’s best entry in a long time.

3 points to Belarus

Naviband – Story of my Life

Hey, hey, hayayayaho! In a sea of slower, more serious songs, this is an island of cheerful fun. The song is entirely in Belarussian but you can’t help but sing or hum along to the catchy tune. The chanting breakdown they added with the revamp is love. It would be so fun to see the arena chanting along with the band.

4 points to France

Alma – Requiem

To be completely honest, I wasn’t a fan of this revamp. But I loved the song enough that it didn’t leave my Top 10. Listening to it a few more times and getting used to the new sound, I now see the merit of the revamp. The ending, especially, is much tighter, which they also did last year with Amir’s song. The instrumentation, although a bit OTT at times, is used to great dramatic effect on the middle eight.

5 points to Latvia

Triana Park – Line

They were my favorite to win in Supernova, Latvia’s national selection, and I’m so glad they won. I’m imagining a similar staging to Georgia’s strobe lights galore last year. This is a great closer to Semi-Final 1.

6 points to Sweden

Robin Bengtsson – I Can’t Go On

This song is catchy AF! The moment this was performed during the semi-final heats on Melodifestivalen, I knew this was going to win. It was the complete package: great vocalist, memorable song, and amazing stage show. Sweden being Sweden, I don’t expect the staging to change much in Kyiv. He was my bet to win Mello, so I’m excited to see how the backstage start and the treadmills translate to the bigger arena.

7 points to Italy

Francesco Gabbani – Occidentali’s Karma

Having blasted this song on repeat, the 3-minute edit they came up with is so… jarring. I was not here for that sudden cut from the first chorus then immediately moving on to second chorus without anything in between. For this reason, from being my number 1 for the longest time, it dropped to #4. I still do like the song and love that they stuck with Italian. I’m excited for the gorilla to join him on stage.

8 points to Bulgaria

Kristian Kostov – Beautiful Mess

The first time I heard this, I seriously got chills. The production on this modern soul-infused (almost diva) ballad is impeccable. Kristian Kostov is the youngest one this year (the first contestant to be born in the 00’s, I’m so old!) but his voice is even better than some of the older contestants.

10 points to Finland

Norma John – Blackbird

Like seriously, you all are sleeping on this song! Not literally (hah!) but I mean you all are underrating this one. It’s a beautiful, haunting, atmospheric ballad. If you’re not a fan of this studio version, then I seriously suggest looking at one of their live performances. Leena’s vocals are insane and bring so much emotion. Lasse’s piano skills are mostly in the background contributing to the mood, but it gets its rightful spotlight during the instrumental bridge, which is one of the best parts of the song.

12 points to F.Y.R. Macedonia

Jana Burčeska – Dance Alone

O.M.G. you guys! Macedonia is in it to win it this year. They finally come to the contest with a modern, catchy, radio-friendly song. The 80’s-ish dance pop sound is very in right now, and “Dance Alone” would fit in to any Tove Lo or (Queen) Carly Rae Jepsen album. I’m hoping and praying she nails the vocals on the night of the semi-final. Or that she comes to Kyiv with very capable back-up vocalists and a visually-striking staging.

Other Stuff

  • There’s a serious shortage of Euro-dance this year, so thank God for Greece and Israel.
  • On the other hand, I don’t understand the overwhelming number of people calling 2017 “the year of the ballad.” Party songs and ballads are not the only two categories of songs. Not all slow songs are ballads. Not 👏 all 👏 ballads 👏 are 👏 bad 👏 (But some of them are. 😝)
  • I still do not understand the hype over Poland’s and Armenia’s songs. 👀
  • I’m rooting for the United Kingdom to do well. “Never Give Up On You” was one of the best revamps this year; the song totally came to life in the new version.
  • How are Norway’s JOWST going to deal with the “only live vocals” rule if their song “Grab the Moment” depends on electronically-altered vocals? 🤔
  • Borislav Milanov and Joacim Persson co-wrote for 3 entries this year: Serbia, Bulgaria, and F.Y.R. Macedonia. (I just noticed that all 3 are in the same semi-final!) They also co-wrote in Poli Genova’s “If Love Was A Crime” last year. Although I love their work, I hope they sit out next year so we don’t get tired of them so soon. 🙂

My Full Eurovision Song Contest 2017 Rankings

*I made this video before the announcement of Russia‘s not joining this year’s contest. Lithuania and Slovenia move up to rank 42 and 41 respectively. 😅

This year’s Eurovision Song Contest 2017 week starts on May 9 (May 10, early morning, in the Philippines) for the first semi-final. The second semi-final will be held two days after, on May 11 (12 PHT). And we will have a new Eurovision winner on the finals night on May 13 (14 PHT). I’ll be staying up late again, but it will be so worth it! 😂

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