Miss World 2016 Top 5 Q&A Round

The finals night of Miss World 2016 just concluded a few hours ago, and it has been a somewhat shocking turn of events. It’s the first time in a long time that the contest was held in the United States. But of course, here at Amiciness, I’m going to focus on everyone’s favorite portion: the final Q&A. And this year’s Q&A includes a curious twist. Previous Miss World queens get to ask questions to the Top 5 vying for the title and crown of Miss World 2016. Interesting. Let’s see how the Top 5 answered:

Kenya 🇰🇪

Miss World 1988 Linda Petursdottir from Iceland asks: What can we do to improve education in the world?

Miss Kenya Evelyn Thungu inspires: What we can do to improve education in the world obviously begins with empowering every child to understand that education is important. And, Nelson Mandela said that it is the weapon that a child can use to face the future. So first, let’s educate our parents that education is important and then we shall have all children on board to achieve their dreams.

I like Miss Kenya’s answer already. So, if I were the contestant, this is what would happen:

Miss World 1988: *reads question*

Amiciness: Could I ask for a clarification? Improve education in terms of what?

Miss World 1988: *comes back on screen* Just answer the question, gurl!

I’m kidding! 😂

This is my serious answer: I believe everything starts with awareness. If we focus more on understanding why we do things, we achieve better and faster. If the youth knows why education is important, they will value it with the utmost respect. If the government knows why education is important, they will support it no matter what. Then, maybe, my dream of a world where every child gets the privilege of a good education would come true. A world where every child has a fighting chance for a better future. Thank you.

Puerto Rico 🇵🇷

Miss World 1975 Wilnelia Lady Forsyth from Puerto Rico (😏) inquires: If you had an opportunity to change something about the world, what would it be?

Miss Puerto Rico Stephanie del Valle replies: If I had the opportunity to change something about the world, I think what I would do is send the message of how important it is to change exclusion for acceptance, to promote and provide justice for others, and the importance of helping those in need. Thank you.

Amiciness answers: When I was young, I dreamed of changing the world. And I still do. If given the chance, I would like to change our greatest enemy today, worse than any terrorist organization in existence: apathy. We live in the comforts of our own homes, while thousands of lives are endangered and lost in a war miles away. Caring is not just for oneself, one’s family or country. Caring is universal— worldwide rather. Because we live in one world. Thank you.

Indonesia 🇮🇩

Miss World 2002 Azra Akin from Turkey questions: How would you convince others to help their communities?

Miss Indonesia Natasha Mannuela rambles: How to convince others is have to start from myself first. Then to start with love. Then other people could see our sincere. And they can inspire on how— what we do and then can continue it and share it to others again and then one world can be one and can inspire all the world with love. Thank you.

Okay. Ummm. First of all: I transcribed her answer as faithfully as possible. Second of all: I don’t even know how to decipher this. Could someone please explain?

Anyway, on to my answer: The building blocks of a community is family. Making the community you live in also your family. Convincing people to help their community is easy if they treat each other as family. By helping everyone realize that everyone has the capability to contribute, we can encourage others to take actions, however small or large, to help our community and the whole world. *starts singing* 🎶 Like a circle, like a hoop that never ends. 🎶

Dominican Republic 🇩🇴

Miss World 2008 Ksenia Sukhinova from Russia asks: What do you think should we be teaching the next generation about protecting our planet?

Miss Dominican Republic Yaritza Reyes campaigns: I think we should be teaching our next generation to protect our planet. This is the only one we have. We shall protect Mother Earth. We should all be together and encourage communities and contribute with making campaigns so people can collect their trash. We have already global warming. We cannot stop it, but we can enhance(?) opportunities to make it better.

This question sounds like it belongs in Miss Earth 2016. 😂

Amiciness answers: I believe the next generation should clearly know that nothing in this world lasts forever. That destruction is irreversible. There’s no reset button when it comes to Mother Earth. The next generation needs to know that we are running out of time. The time to act is now. We all need to act fast.

Philippines 🇵🇭

Miss World 2015 Mireia Lalaguna from Spain demands: Which qualities do you think it will take to wear my crown?

Miss Philippines Catriona Elisa Gray answers: I think, first of all, it takes bravery. To be a Miss World is to carry a burning torch. It is an action carried out by one to illuminate the lives of many. And I would dedicate my whole self, my love for the arts, and my voice to– trying to uplift, empower, and educate people. And it would be my greatest honor and duty to hold this torch high enough so that all the world could feel and see its light. Thank you.

This is an interesting, even sneaky, question. It’s a reworded (and loaded) form of the more traditional “Why do you think you should win Miss World?” question.

Amiciness answers: I think, first of all, you must have a big flat head. *grins* Kidding aside, to wear THE Miss World Crown, you must be a passionate dreamer. Your heart burns with desire to change the world, no matter what the circumstance. No matter the haters say. You must also have an smile that lights up the room even in the gloomiest of times. Lastly, one must be humble. Every reign ends and must always be ready to pass it on to the next. Thank you.

After the Q&A comes the crowning. As is Miss World tradition, Miss World Organization director Julia Morley announced the runners-up and Miss World 2016. In third place is Miss Indonesia. 3⃣ In second place is Miss Dominican Republic. 2⃣

And Miss World 2016 is… Miss Puerto Rico Stephanie del Valle. 👑 Congratulations to the new queen of the world! 👏

I must say, reading all of their answers to the Q&A, I am quite surprised at that result. I don’t really know how much the final Q&A affects the girls’ scores, but if I were to base it on their answers, Miss Kenya and Miss Philippines should have had a spot in the Top 3. The reaction on the results on social media, as far as I’ve read, is very… mixed, to say the least. I guess we could look forward to Miss World 2017, then?

Whose Miss World 2016 Q&A answer was your favorite? Do you agree with the final results? Let us know in the comments below.

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