Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 4 Episode 11 Recap

Amiciness is going to live blog Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 4 Episode 11. It’s the top four! The girls will be having their photo shoot for Harper’s Bazaar magazine. And AsNTM resident creative director Yu Tsai himself will photograph the girls’ magazine covers. Who will make it to this cycle’s Top 3? Who will still be in the running towards becoming Asia’s. Next. Top. Model?

Watch with me at 9 p.m. Philippine time on Star World as I recap the episode live as it airs. 🙂

Last time on Asia’s Next Top Model, the girls underwent a mega-challenge: a photo shoot and challenge combined. Julian finally won her very first best performance this cycle. Unfortunately we had to lose another girl. Angie got the lowest score and has been eliminated from the competition. We’re just two weeks away from the finale. Only the top 4 girls remain… who will become Asia’s. Next. Top. Model.

🎶 I’m never gonna stop til I reach the top
I’ll give it all I’ve got ’cause I’m gonna be on top
Want it, take it, make it to the top 🎶

OMG they call Julian by her nickname Ja! Awww BFF goals: Sang In and Julian. “I wanna be the first Filipina to win Asia’s Next Top Model” and her confidence is back. I didn’t know Patricia has been wearing contact lenses all this time.

AsNTM4 Episode 11 - Sang In and Julian resting at the model house

Challenge: Sentosa Branding

Cindy Mail! It’s all about influence and branding. Yu Tsai introduces the girls to digital influencer Nicole Warne (going by the brand @garypeppergirl) for a lesson about branding themselves. Nicole goes through the girls’ Instagram account one-by-one.

Nicole likes that Julian included her test shots so that her followers have an idea about her model journey and that she works as a model. But she needs to bring more of her modelling work at the top of the feed, as users don’t usually scroll too far down. Sang In has too much modelling work photos on her feed and not a lot about her personality, which is important in social media. Patricia has a lot of personality and it shows in her feed, funny faces included. Nicole scrolls through Tawan’s feed and Tawan immediately misses her long hair.

I saw my Instagram and I missed my hair. I want to cry.

After the social media branding lesson, and Yu Tsai brings out Brand and Communications Director of Sentosa Development Corporation, Tay Cheng Cheng. The girls have to work with one of the biggest tourism brands in the world: Sentosa. The girls need to represent the Sentosa brand on social media through photos and videos.

Challenge Winner: Sang In

  1. Sang In – 8.3
  2. Julian – 7.8
  3. Patricia – 7.7
  4. Tawan – 7.5

Cindy Mail! Every week, I tell you about it. What’s third on that list?

The girls don’t seem to understand it, but it’s obviously the prizes. Which means… it’s the Harper’s Bazaar Singapore cover shoot.

Photo Shoot: Harper’s Bazaar Singapore Cover

Harper’s Bazaar Singapore EIC Kenneth Goh and Yu Tsai meet the girls in the studio. They’re going to shoot their very first Harper’s Bazaar Singapore magazine cover. The girls each have a different theme for their covers given by Kenneth:

  • Sang In – fashion
  • Patricia – beauty
  • Julian – modern Asia
  • Tawan – power

Oh and BTW: Yu Tsai is the photographer for this shoot. Good luck girls! And a short sweet video message from Kate Upton. Off to hair and makeup… and a commercial break.

Prada is the thinking woman’s fashion brand. — Kenneth

Sang In had a rough start, but with direction from Yu Tsai (even coming up to her and placing her body in the right position) she was able to take good photos. Tawan is up next. She couldn’t believe that she is part of the Top 4; she thought she would only last a week! Silly goose! The judges always wants her to not be too shy, and she wants to show that she can be the tiger. And she does!

Patricia is up next, and it’s the same problem from her previous shoots. Her mouth is too tense. We get a montage of past shoots where the photographer or creative director calls out her tense mouth. Uh-oh! And last but not least, it’s Julian’s turn. She’s silent again, in front of Yu Tsai. “It’s not working” says Yu Tsai. Double uh-oh. Is this the last we’ll see of Julian? After the break…

Cindy Mail! The girls get rewards for being the Top 4. There are two rewards, and the girls have to pair up. (Side note: Did they really have to let Tawan read the longest Cindy Mail yet? LOL!)

Patricia and Tawan are fetched by Yu Tsai to go to ZoukOut! OMG! And they got to meet Tiesto! OMG JEALOUS!!! Sang In and Julian go on a water adventure in Sentosa. Wow, these rewards are super fun. I’m envious.


Cindy, Nicole, Kenneth and Yu Tsai are thus week’s judging panel.

AsNTM4 Episode 11 - This week's judging panel

Why are the girls (digitally) holding letters? Is this part of the Harper’s Bazaar brand? I don’t know. *shrug*

Call Out Order

The girl with the best performance gets a spread in the Harper’s Bazaar Singapore magazine. Patricia is called 1st. Cindy says that Kenneth has made an “editorial call.” He chose two winners. Sang In is called 2nd. Their scores actually tied.

  1. Patricia & Sang In

AsNTM4 Episode 11 - The girls at deliberation

Bottom Two: Julian and Tawan


UGH. AsNTM is using that cheap trick again so we, viewers, are forced to watch the recap episode. UGH.

Next Week

It’s a frigging recap episode. The judges have intimate interviews with the girls. And we find out the answer to the all important question: Who will be the Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 4 Top 3 girls?

What did you think of Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 4 Episode 11? Who between Tawan and Julian do you think made it to the Top 3?


  1. Anonymous says:

    Well, countrydv1, what do you think of the Top 3 now that Patricia is definitely part of it? Do you still think its a lame top 3? 😉

    1. Anonymous says:

      Another cliffhanger. What a great strategy to gain viewers

      1. Anonymous says:

        Yeah. Like what they did on Amanda. Desperate moves of ASNTM

    2. Anonymous says:

      I don’t like the photo of Patrcia honestly. It’s just plain. It stood out for the wrong reason. It doesn’t convey beauty rather it conveys stress and tense because she looks like one.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I think Julian deserve to be on the top 3. But Tawan is also qualified. Now I’m confused. But still rooting for Julian

    1. Anonymous says:

      Go Julian. But I know they did it on purpose to end it with a cliffhanger for us to watch the episode next week. What a great way I mean worst way to end this episode. It is so rude.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I’ll choose Julian over Tawan. Go Julian.

    1. Anonymous says:

      Me too. But I think they don’t deserve to be in the bottom. Their photos were even better than Patricia’s. I smell something fishy. Why does only Patricia has a photo which is from h to b. Hmm

  4. Anonymous says:

    I heard Tawan got 42 and Julian only got 39. I’ll hope this is not true.

    1. Where did you get those scores? Hmmm

      1. Anonymous says:

        I saw it on the comments on facebook. Many said it

      2. Anonymous says:

        Who do you think will go into the top 3?

      3. Anonymous says:

        I bet my hat that Julian will not be eliminated. From a reliable source (a crew of ASNTM) I have asked said that it was so intense and close but Julian made it. She scored 42.3 while Tawan got 39.5

        1. Anonymous says:

          I agree with you. This is so true. But sadly Tawan has to go

    2. Anonymous says:

      I’ll think Julian and Tawan also got tied and the judges cannot decide what they will do so instead they made it that there will be 4 in the finale. Just kidding. But I’ll hope that happens cause I don’t want to lose either Julian or Tawan. But I’ll go with Julian if I were to choose. And beside, her photo was better than Tawan. It was a Harper’s Bazaar Magazine Material. And btw, why was Patricia the only on to have a photo which is from h to b. Hmm. I smell something fishy.

  5. Anonymous says:

    It’s the other way around, Julian got 39.+ and Tawan got 42.+ based on the teaser for next episode.

    1. Anonymous says:

      But I knew that Julian got 42.5 and Tawan got 39.3. It’s from a reliable source. My sister is a crew of ASNTM.

  6. NSSJ says:

    Its gonna be Julian… Its a huge thing if they eliminated Julian.. But still I prefer Tawan.

  7. countrydv1 says:

    I think it’s more just this way having Patricia as part of the Top 3 rather than not. Yet possibly not for the winning title though. Honestly speaking, she is qualified more modeling-wise compared to Julian and Tawan. She is the best walker of any AsNTM contestants to date. And her portfolio so far in this competition is objectively the best of this bunch of girls : 3FCOs, 3TCOs, NO BOTTOM 2, 3 TIMES Challenge winner, Total score 391.1.

    Here the other girls fare so far as a comparison :
    Sang In : 4FCOs, 1SCO, 2 Bottom 2 (plus 1 Bottom 3 noted on the panel of that episode),TWICE Challenge winner, Total score 386.9

    Julian : 1 FCO, 1SCO, 1TCO, NO CHALLENGE WINNER, Total score 346.1

    Tawan : 1 FCO, 2SCOs, 2TCOs, NO CHALLENGE WINNER, Total score 346.

    So we can see the difference of the overall score between Ja and Tawan is only 0.1 point.

    1. Anonymous says:

      In the last recap you say top 3 is lame because Patricia is not top 3? Now top 3 is still lame because Patricia is not winner? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA

      By the way those scores are not objective. This is modeling contest everything is subjective. This is not a maths quiz you know hahaha

      1. countrydv1 says:

        I know Anonymous…everything is subjective and cannot be valued by the numbers or scoring system I’ve stated above. I just want to make your eyes open and brain works by comparing the girls’ achievements throughout the competition to see that Pat is top 3 worthy… From cycle to cycle AsNTM never gets wrong to pick their winners and their runner ups to be in the Top3 of the respective cycles.

        PS. I know how desperate you are that Julian is the brim of possibly leaving before Top 3, but please do not reply to yourself many times as you did earlier in this commentary column. Get a life..Geezz!!

        1. Anonymous says:

          OMG Countrydv..maybe you should open your dictionary & see the meaning of anonymous. It’s not 1 person. If you don’t fill in your name & email, you’ll be anonymous also.

    2. countrydv1 says:

      And Julian has been voted bottom two 3 times, while Tawan voted twice before..

  8. FreddyFazbear says:

    1. Sang In- she moved naturally during the shoot. The photo is great, but there has to be better shots in the camera roll.

    2. Patricia- i agree that the photo is a bit safe, but there’s nothing much to do if you’re only photographed from waist up.

    3. Tawan- i can see the power, but the face is a bit dead. I just thought that her photo was better than Julian’s.

    4. Julian- she has the best body language. But the face sort of ruined it for me. I wish the eyes were more more piercing and maybe a litlle bit of a head tilt would make it better.

  9. Anonymous says:

    I have a question. Why do you no longer rank the girls’ photos like before? It was nice to see your opinion

    1. Tawan lover says:

      I’m actually agree with you, maybe this year phil didn’t gave strong contestans than previous cycle #justopinio

    2. Unfortunately I have been busy with a lot of personal and work stuff, so I could only do the recap post per week. I plan to catch up on my episode reviews in time for the recap episode. I hope you’ll look forward to it. 🙂

  10. In terms of challenge, I think Patricia is better than Sang In & Julian. It’s not because I’m biased, but when I just watched this episode, Patricia seems authentic in terms of branding promo. Tawan.. I gonna say a bit shy at some spot ?

    About photoshoot
    1. Sang In – really amazing, but needs so much control of her body
    2. Patricia – I’m gonna think that she needs one body shoot other than ‘just face’. I love her cover here, but maybe more lively in the mouth
    3. Tawan – her face is OK, but somewhat still difficult to connect with the brief
    4. Julian – actually, in terms of photoshoot, somewhat Julian is better than Tawan. Needs more fierce in the eyes. But again, I guess judges would see not just at this week performances

  11. Also, I just notice that dresses were Patricia and Julian wearing are too ‘transparant’ ? So.. Sorry, but you can see their **ts a bit clear

    Sorry, I’m not that perverted though

  12. Anonymous says:

    Patricia should be out for episode 11, 3 of the other girls had their head to bottom & it seems cooking show. LOL

  13. Anonymous says:


  14. Anonymous says:

    Jullian is consistent in her photo every week. While patricia is a little bit stiff and looks blank it doest met the theme in this episode-

  15. countrydv1 says:

    Hahaha Anonymous…. your thinking about what great photo or just mehh…… I definitely prefer rooting for what Yu Tsai (photographer to top models and celebrities) and Kenneth Goh (chief editor of Hapers Bazaar Singapore) over yours anytime ….. What magazine have you published so far in your resume, may I ask?

    Julian’s last photo : weird body position, blank face and dead eyes….and you said it is perfect.. I believe you won’t have the same opinion about Ja if she were happened to be from Myanmar or Vietnam…… Besides as a Top 4 and has to be dictated by Yu Tsai in terms of posing in order to have this lucky yet mehh shoot like that….NOT TOP MODEL MATERIAL, as Kenneth said. She should have left weeks before, at the boat photoshoot episode.
    Yes she has given consistent portfolios during the whole competition as she can ONLY GIVE ONE FACIAL ANGLE on her photos… you name it : the Neutrogena, the Tresemme, the closeup and now this holy crap Hapers Bazaar cover.

  16. countrydv1 says:

    Poor Asian MANNEQUIN… go to college and pursue some study worthy more than being a mehh model

    1. YeahMe says:

      And who are you to make a call on someone’s career? You think you’re so great? Julian is without a doubt beautiful as both the judges and contestants have been recognizing, and IF she is top 4 that is still better than those who went out before her. This contest is not the end all and be all, its merely a step on a modelling career, PERIOD.

    2. Miss Wa says:

      Who the heck are u to say something like that…opinion is an opinion but your way overboard. Well done is better than well said…I bet your nothing compared to Ja. You said her photos arent good???WTF.. She’s photogenic and made it far.I still think she’s better than Patricia ……Beauty Shot 101……And by the way you got their average fr Wikipedia….*Copyright*LOL.

      Ur a Judgy B*tch.

      1. Tia says:


      2. countrydv1 says:

        Yes the only source that is truthful!…. Unlike some Pinoys spoilers that said Patricia was going to be eliminated as Top 4 crap…and Julian would get her second FCOs rubbish….. (as a matter of fact : she got clarked, being FCO on the last episode only to be eliminated next)… If Ja is photogenic as you said, she wouldn’t have had trouble producing the last photo and got eliminated, would she?

  17. Janeta Yoo says:

    What happened to julians photo in episode 11? Sorry but i think. Thats photo is over and o.a in editing. See julians face. So white like a bondpaper. And her lips getting bigger. Omaygash. Watta cooking show. Hwhwhhehhehe

  18. ringostarr says:

    LOL 1000 X Janeta

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