Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 4 Episode 7 Recap

Amiciness is going to live blog Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 4 Episode 7. This episode is brought to you by Closeup Diamond Attraction. Filipino celebrity actor Tom Rodriguez and Indonesian celebrity model/actor Mike Lewis guest star this episode. Who among the girls has the killer smile to attract our gorgeous male guests tonight? Who will still be in the running towards becoming Asia’s. Next. Top. Model.

AsNTM4 Episode 7 - Sang In - This week is awesome

Watch with me at 9 p.m. Philippine time on Star World as I recap the episode live as it airs. 🙂

Last time on Asia’s Next Top Model, Sang In became the new face of ZALORA, and Aldilla from Indonesia has been eliminated. Only 7 girls remain… who will become Asia’s. Next. Top. Model.

🎶 I’ll give it all I’ve got, ’cause I’m gonna be on top 🎶

I asked you who had the best ZALORA color couture photo. You have cast your vote… and you have chosen: Tuti! Congratulations, Tuti!

AsNTM4 Episode 6 Photo Shoot - Tuti

Here are the full poll results:

The girls return to the model house from the elimination. Sang In feels great that she’s the only one so far to have won two best photos. Patricia and Tuti cry as they read Aldilla’s messages that she left last episode.

Cindy Mail! Smile and maybe the world will smile back at you. Tuti doesn’t like her smile. I think it’s kinda cute. Hahaha.

The girls travel in their Subaru XV’s to the FOX International Channels HQ. Cindy says that a lot of people have their start in the modelling industry and branch out to other fields like acting. Cindy introduces this challenge’s guest Tom Rodriguez, a popular actor and model from the Philippines. Julian’s reaction:

AsNTM4 Episode 7 - Julian is surprised at the special guest

Tom instructs the girls on different styles of acting using their smiles.

Challenge: Acting

The girls have to act out scenes with Tom Rodriguez with the challenge that the girls have to pick up Tom and make him smile.

  • Patricia with photographer Tom
  • Julian was caught speeding by officer Tom
  • May is hitting on nerdy guy Tom in the club
  • Tuti is buying coffee from barista Tom
  • Angie visits dentist Tom for an appointment
  • Sang In on a train with gamer Tom
  • Tawan in a Romeo & Juliet love story

The girl who wins the challenge gets to enjoy a one-on-one date at the ADHD restaurant in South Beach. Tom chose the girl who managed to make him laugh genuinely. And it’s… Patricia. Lucky girl! The boyfriend material pick-up line worked.

The girls get home and find their Closeup goodies. And then they see their scores: Tuti and Sang In are at the bottom with a score of 6. Patricia is wearing a beautiful bright blue dress for her date. We don’t get to see much of her date with Tom, but there’s this funny bit where she asks for take-away to bring food back home to the other girls. I love you, Patricia! Hahaha.

Photo shoot

Kelly is back with Yu Tsai. And she introduces Indonesian hottie Mike Lewis. The girls have to create instant chemistry with Mike and show the Closeup Diamond Attraction in their photo. The photographer for this shoot is Indonesian photographer Jerry Aurum. #TeamIndonesia this week.

Before we get to the shoot, we are reminded of the “confrontation” between Yu Tsai and Angie. Yu Tsai talks to Angie at hair and makeup telling her that he has put everything that happened last week in the past and wants her to do good and know that he is there to support her and all of the girls. Angie appreciates the kind gesture from Yu Tsai. Awww. *cough* scripted *cough*

Patricia started with the shoot very awkward with Mike, and after some push from the mentors and an impromptu dance session, she manages to look good with Mike. Angie doesn’t really feel comfortable with the closeness, and then here comes the mentors instructing Mike to “grab her ass.” Okaaaayyyy. Although I wouldn’t mind really. LOL! Well that was the trick to get her to smile naturally! Yu Tsai instructs May to be a tiger and Mike as the beef. Accurate metaphor! Julian says that she has to think of this photo shoot as her last to do good. Tuti can’t focus in her shoot and she cries. Mike and Kelly comfort her but Yu Tsai cuts it short telling her that they’re not there to babysit the models. Harsh!


This week the three judges are complete! Host Cindy, model mentor Kelly, and creative director Yu Tsai sit in the panel with guest judge and model Mike Lewis. The winner this week will become the smile of Closeup 2016.

Models, models, models. Yu Tsai, Yu Tsai, Yu Tsai.


This week was all about the art of attraction. Deliberation starts with:

  • Tawan – Very organic and she has great chemistry with Mike.
  • Julian – Mixed reviews. Cindy likes her smile, Kelly thinks this is a lucky picture, Mike feels that she was very nervous, and Yu Tsai does not like her at all.
  • Angie – The judges like her professional attitude. “A complete 180 from last week.” Really?
  • Sang In – Cindy says she’s like a black widow out to eat her prey.
  • May –
  • Patricia – The judges all like her photo.
  • Tuti – She is in tears at Yu Tsai’s critique. Cindy comes to comfort her and Tuti confesses that she does not like her smile.

Call Out Order

The winner gets a pair of diamond earrings from Closeup, delivered via fake proposal by Mike. So kilig!

  1. Patricia #TeamIndonesia
  2. Tawan
  3. Angie
  4. Julian
  5. Sang In

Bottom Two: Tuti and May

Tuti let her insecurity get in the way of her performance. The judges feel that May has not shown the maturity that is required in this industry.

Eliminated: May

As the first Myanmar rep, May wants to inspire other models in her country to show their modelling skills in AsNTM. Still, good job, May! 🙂

Next Week

The girls go on go-sees. And they’re shooting a promotional video to show their confidence in motion. You know what that means: Subaru is back. And of course, Daddy Glenn Tan is also back. Sang In, watch out with your “eye-rolls.” Hahaha.

What did you think of Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 4 Episode 7? Do you want to show Cindy (and now Yu Tsai) how much you want to be a model and stay in the competition?


  1. FreddyFazbear says:

    I really like Patricia, she is the most positive and shes very charismatic too. There were a lot of tears this episode too.

    1. May (engaging smile)- i have no idea why she was eliminated. This photo was actually very good IMO. Despite smiling, she looks strong, engaging and flirty.
    2. Tawan (genuine smile)- she has the most genuine smile, they look like theyre having fun.
    3. Angie (playful smile)- i really like her look with glasses.

    4. Patricia (charming smile)- she has the best smile but theres not much of a connection going on.
    5. Julian (flirty smile)- this is good, but its a bit expected.

    Worst(but not really):
    6. Sang In (mischievous smile)- i think her shoulders are high, making her neck short.
    7. Tuti (amused smile)- they look like theyre bestfriends making fun of someone.

    I feel so sad for May, her tears are continuous, i cant actually look lol

    1. Miss Wa says:

      Cmon May…I really think her picture is an ad for Lucky Me Beef NoodlesLol…And Its Angie’s pic were talking about not her look with the glasses.

  2. Herbs and Spices says:

    May should not be eliminated it’s a tossed between Sang In and Tuti. Due to the scoring system they can’t have a non elimination week. They should have a non elimination instead of ousting May.

    1. A non-elimination could still happen with this scoring system. For example in ANTM when two contestants both got the lowest score, both of them did not get eliminated. And it also depends on the judges if they choose to veto the scoring. Like what they did during the first week when they did not eliminate Gwen, and just a few weeks ago during the infamous Episode 4. 😀

      1. Hrabak says:

        Spoilers says that next episode will be a non elimination where Tawan and Julian will be in the bottom two.

        1. Miss Wa says:

          Omg, is that true???(Hope Not)

          1. GasaiYuno says:

            the top 3 were actually 1.Sang In 2.(i forgot) and 3. Julian

  3. Janeta Yoo says:


  4. Anonymous says:

    Am I the only one who thought that Yu Tsai is showing his favoritism to some girls?? He really harsh to Tuti and Julian. He gave a bad scores for Tuti even the last week shot was great. Not to mention during deliberation too!

    Plus he gave harsh comment to Julian for two weeks in row. meanwhile Sang In get highest scores among the girls.Thus make Sang In FCO and Face of Zalora. Sang In also said that Tuti shot is better than her. Oh for this week also, you can check Yu Tsai scores for Sang In.

    And not to forget he starts liking Angie. Watch out girls. I just thought that he is kinda biased. >,<

    1. Anonymous says:

      I agree. He is very biased and it is very obvious, esp during photo shoots

  5. omg111 says:

    I really can’t believe Yu Tsai I mean Tuti and Julian’s picture also have potentials.He is so harsh with tuti and goes tge same with Julian….

    And I really think May’s photo is the worst….Beautiful smile but it doesn’t capture the theme…

    OMG…Now I know why Tyra Banks didn’t include Yu Tsia as a judge at ANTM….<3…

  6. Mr. Hious says:

    For me …
    Best picture…
    1.Patricia- movement+smile=Best Photo^
    2.Tawan- love the flickin’ of the head
    3. Julian- A bit safe but really photogenic and among the other pics it’ll be one of close up’s best ad

    4.Angie- nice smize but not the 360 model
    5. Tuti- Large red lips…I think her smile is like a guffaw but the judges didn’t see it.

    Needs Improvement
    6. Sang In- more like a cover for a show like :No other woman;Temptation Wife; Legal wife…mischievous period…
    7. May- a perfect ad for Lucky Me Beef Noodles…Judges(referring to Kelly and You Tsai)She needs clarity.She’s 17…

    Fierce and Love Guys!!!

  7. Could Yu Tsai needed to be fired please ?
    He’s like son of a bitch in this show.

    Agreed to judges choices, and I think Tuti’s poses overlapping mike, so it seems awkward

    1. NSSJ says:

      I know right.But I think Yu Tsai will be with AsNTM at least another cycle. Blerghh I dont like him.

  8. GasaiYuno says:

    I really think that they start to stumble because of him

    1. Anonymous says:

      I think Yu Tsai has already made up his mind on who he wants to win (Angie). And very tough on who he absolutely doesnt want to win (Julian).

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