
In the next two weeks or so, we become as hopeful as a little boy wishing for a baby brother or as optimistic as a high school student dreaming to make the world a better place. We are neither fazed by the wind of uncertainties nor afraid of the heartbreaks of winter.

In January, we can be anything we want, do anything we like and try to as much as possible make the new year ours.

Because at least in January, the new year is ours.

We scribble neatly (or not) in our new planner notebooks a long list of resolutions. We make vision boards filled from construction paper and cut-outs from old magazines.Will we get all of them done for the year? No but at least in January, we do.

We change our routines and create new personal superstitions. We pass a different route going to work because it’s faster. We try to commit in documenting every day of our lives in a diary. We brush our teeth before going in to the shower instead of the other way around. We realize how much has changed since January of last year and it feels okay. Though there is still regret and bitterness, it is okay because in January, we welcome and accept change.

We read our horoscopes (western and Chinese). We believe that our luck is changing. We think that we are lucky enough to win the lottery so we buy tickets. We imagine what we can buy with the prize money. How much we will donate to charity and how much we will keep. We look forward to find love for the first time or again for the nth time because in January, everything feels attainable.

We dream. We plan. We aim.


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