#AsNTM2 Pilot Episode: “The Girl Who Walks the Walk” Recap

Girls from all over Asia auditioned to be one of the top 16 finalists in the second cycle of Asia’s Next Top Model (AsNTM).

This time, the show was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (because apparently 2014 is Visit Malaysia year) and introduced us to new faces on the judging panel namely Adam Williams (movement coach) and Mike Rosenthal (resident photographer). Of course, Nadia Hutagalung was still hosting the show together with returning judges Joey Mead King, and, for this episode, guest judge Kenneth Goh.

Observing the pilot episode, there have been remarkable changes in the show’s editing and production design. Cycle 2 seemed to be patterned from Australia’s Next Top Model (especially the intro video) and the spacious judging room.

Here were some of the highlights of the pilot episode:


1. Nicole’s OCD – Upon arriving in the model penthouse, instead of enjoying the new expensive furniture and amenities, Nicole decided to write some house rules to address the issue on untidiness. She denied that she has OCD though.

If you think this was crazy, wait until you hear what happens next week.

**Later in the episode, Nicole found out that her grandma passed away. Fortunately, she decided to stay in the competition.

2. Elektra is Helena 2.0? – Elektra seemed to mirror Helena’s “hate-able” aura. The other girls seemed to dislike her strong personality that tended to be annoying and attention-seeking. Generally, she did not blend well with the other girls.

3. Runway Challenge: Walking on Water – As we all knew, the challenge was walking on water. A narrow runway (I’m guessing 1 foot wide) was set in the middle of a long swimming pool. Tension was felt each time a girl steps on the runway. I noticed that they did not use a background music. Was this not to distract the girls?

Later in the episode, Nadya surprised everyone about the early elimination. The girls were judged according to their performance in the challenge and their potential as models.

She did not mention who the top performers were but did single out Katarina and Jessie as the weakest of the bunch.

Katarina – She fell into the pool and swam all the way back. Enough said. I hoped that she tried to climb up back to the runway and finished the walk.

Jessie – She walked like she was kidnapped by pirates and a sword was pointed at her back. Like Nadya said, it was painful to watch her. She struggled because of her fear of falling and of water.

Eliminated: Jessie – As everyone expected (including her), Jessie was the first to be sent packing.

4. Photoshoot: “Opening Credits” – The shoot would be used as opening credits. The girls would be walking on a runway and would be striking a pose at the end. They had 10 frames to work with.

Most of the girls struggled in posing. Maybe it was because the theme was too limiting or that most of them still lacked modeling experience. This was repeatedly stated by Katarina. Come on girl, have some confidence!

Poojaa did not pee before the photoshoot. Hence, she had a hard time focusing. It’s okay, Poojaa, I understand!

The following were the photo’s rankings in order of call back.


Tia – Best Photo. FCO. Yey! Honestly, I did not find the photo great. It was good but not great. The pose was a bit too commercial for me. It was like one of the poses Lea Michele does in the red carpet. Anyway, the judges loved her photo. Nadya also said that she brought life and energy to the shoot.

Sheena – I liked her pose. It was very strong and high fashion. I hope they don’t change her hair color. I think that she has a chance of winning this.

Josephine – I was surprised why they liked Josephine’s photo. The judges thought the photo was strong. For me, she looked old.

Jodilly – Her picture was a bit sweet than most of the other pictures. The judges liked the photo but she hid her left arm behind her back.

Thao – I liked her photo. For me, this was the best photo. Though it was not the most flattering since she looked a bit pregnant, the photo was striking and memorable.

Marie- For me,Marie’s photo was just blah. She did not use her features well.

Sneha – Also for Sneha, the photo was just boring.

Janice – Her photo was just another… blah. She just stood there, arms crossed. This was awfully disappointing as Janice was one of the girls that was crazily passionate on winning this thing.

Bona – The judges thought that her age would be a factor in her modeling career but she knew how to model. I liked her photo. The pose was a bit modeling 101 but it worked.

Katarina – She looked unsure. She admitted that she was overwhelmed by the whole experience. The judges thought that she had a pretty face but were skeptical if she could deliver.

Poojaa- I can’t remember sorry. I must be typing then.

Jihye – She looked stiff and lost. The judges thought that her face was expressionless and it did.

Bottom Three:

Nicole- Her face looked hard, very, very hard. I don’t know if she could be a versatile model with her eyes but at least she has a unique look. Nadya wanted her to embrace her androgynousness.

Natalie- The judges thought that Natalie’s face in the photo had too much fierceness. They advised her to study her features and make them her advantage.


Eliminated: Elektra

The judges said her face was TOO fierce that looked more like she was angry at the photographer, and was not listening to feedback. Her pose looked like she was trying too hard and her body did not look as well in this angle.


1. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – I was glad that they decided to do the show in another country instead of repeating it again in Singapore. This allows the show to explore new photo shoot themes and challenges.

2. The judging room is wider.

3. The model house looks more expensive.

4. The editing is different. It feels expensive.

5. Unique and Interesting Contestants – This cycle, the models were more diverse and more distinguishable as compared from the first cycle.


Kenneth Goh – Kenneth Goh’s comments were a bit too harsh calling Jihye “Kimchi without the kick” and asking Nicole if she was a model. On the other hand, the harsh criticisms would push the models to do better. Kenneth would make the show more interesting like what he did in cycle 1.


1. BORING Photo Shoot – I did not know if it was the theme (if there’s any) or the way the photo shoot was conducted. The set seemed so quiet! The new resident photographer might still be warming up because he appeared very timid.

2. Editing – I did mention that the editing was different but it was a bit dull. Also, Joey Mead King’s commentary was too much. I wanted to hear from the other judges as well.

3. The show needs more LIFE. – Hopefully, next week! *CATFIGHTS*

4. No winner was declared for the runway challenge.


1. Nicole breaks down.

2. Katarina versus the girls. CATFIGHTS!!!

3. The set is invaded by monkeys!

All pictures sourced from the AsNTM2 official website for Episode 1.

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