#AsNTM2 Episode 4: “The Girl That Embraces Change” Recap

This is the episode that we are all waiting for, the makeover episode! Only a number of girls have had memorable makeovers. Most of the girls only get layers, bangs and curls. The episode is really disappointing and has bored the hell out of me. This has got to be one of those episodes that we will not remember when we get to the final 5.

It is that boring.

Anyway, here are the highlights of the episode:



1. Makeovers- In tonight’s episode, hair experts,  Alfons (Indonesia) and Lourd Ramos (Philippines) lead the makeovers. Guess what, no mirrors are allowed. The girls’ commentaries spoil their new hair-do’s so that just ruins the element of surprise.  Some makeovers are extreme and some are just meh.

Speaking of extremes, Sneha gets an asymmetrical do that reminds me of something Rihanna will have. A ton of her hair has been cut off and this makes her cry and think of quitting the competition. Sheena relates to this as her bleached hair is bleached again. Because of the heavy chemicals, her hair becomes brittle and some of it fall off. She cries and requests the stylists to wash off the bleach in her hair.

The pains we have to go through for platinum blonde hair. Tsk Tsk.

The best make over will have to be Marie’s. She gets a sort of red afro do reminiscent of Spice Girls’ Mel B circa 1998This gives her a lot more character than herold look. However, the down side is that, like Sneha’s, the look is a bit polarizing. It may work to her advantage in some photo shoots but it may also look really distracting in some.

2.  Surprise Visit from Family and Friends- The girls are surprised by their family and friends, well, except for Marie, whose love ones have not been able to come.

3.  Poojaa “the little Tia”- One of this week’s public enemy is Poojaa. According to Josephine and Katarina, Poojaa cannot stop talking about herself and her rich boyfriend. Grow up, everyone!

4.  Thao and Her Messy Habit- Public enemy no. 2 is Thao. She is is now the messy girl of the week. She uses the kitchen without cleaning it afterwards. Apparently, according to the girls, this messy behavior can be attributed to Thao’s popularity in The Vietnam (as Janice says it).

Reading some posts in Twitter and Instagram, some of the girls defend Thao as the “messy” behavior is just a product of good reality TV.

5.  Boring Photo Shoot- The location of the shoot is in a big salon. The brief is that… hmmm.. the girls need to portray confidence while working their new looks in the salon. This has got to be the most quiet photo shoot in top model history. The photographer (Nicoline) is very timid. She does not interact much with the models or give them specific instructions on what to do and what not to do. Also, Joey and Mike stand watching the girls waste their shots.

Order of Call Out

Best Photo: Marie- Marie’s photo really stood out from the bunch of safe and boring photos. Her photo shoot is fun to watch and she delivers a variety of poses. Maybe her hair has brought her inner passion to the competition.

Josephine- Josephine’s photo looks refreshing and seems like she really enjoys her hair. I’m just unsure of her crotch. She could have twisted her left leg to make the pose less awkward.

Poojaa- This is one of the better photos of Poojaa. She really does accentuates the dress. This may be her best photo yet BUT her right arm looks the same as all her old photos and even in most of her poses for this shoot.

Nicole- She has got to be the most consistent. Her photo is very dynamic and it seems she is the only one taking risks.

Sheena- Sheena is also very consistent. It is a nice photo but like what Mike notes, she does not make use of the space she is given.

Tia- Tia’s pose is very safe. The photo is not good but it is also not bad.

Nathalie- Her body looks great but the face just ruins everything for me.

Katarina- Katarina is giving the same facial expression since day 1. The judges still see her as a pretty face and still doubt if she has more to give.

Jodilly- Jodilly is nervous throughout the shoot and this reflected in her picture. She is putting a lot of pressure on herself to excel in the competition especially because of her performance last week.  The picture is not bad but it is very safe.

Bottom Three

Sneha- Once again, Sneha is in the bottom three. I don’t get it when they say that she is a “shape-shifter”. What exactly do you mean? I don’t see her doing different shapes. It’s just all the same.

Janice- Janice is the same old Janice. No comment.

Eliminated: Thao- I am actually beginning to appreciate Thao’s beauty but unfortunately, her picture is really bad. The angle of the face is not at all flattering. Her pose is unsure and awkward.



1. Marie- Just when I am starting to give up on Marie. she steps up her game in this episode. Let’s hope she sustains this momentum next week.

2. Judging Area- The judging is held in a sports stadium. The set looks amazing and I wish they could have utilized the stadium for the photo shoot.


1. Makeovers- Some makeovers are great and some are not. However, this is definitely more exciting as compared from last cycle.

2. Visit of Family and Friends- Maybe this visit is too soon, or maybe this is what the girls needed at this point.


  1. Boring Photo Shoot- The photographer does not give any clear instructions. She also does not give feedback. This is okay but the girls are not used to this kind of set-up. The brief could have been explained more since even as a viewer, I still don’t know what exactly it is.
  2. Location- Really? The photoshoot is in a salon? While the judging area is in a sports stadium? Really? I also don’t know why the girls are being limited to a specific area of the location. Maybe it is because they are given only 15 to 20 frames?


  1. The girls bring out their best game for a sports-themed photo shoot.
  2. Once again, Janice is public enemy no. 1. You go dawg!!

Tell us what you think of this episode.

Did you like the makeovers? Are you outraged that Thao got eliminated?

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