Eurovision 2015 Semi Final 1 Results + Postmortem

Eurovision 2015 stage. EUROVISION/EBU © Roman Zach-Kiesling (ORF)

Since I’m both a Eurovision fan and timezone-challenged, I only got to watch the First Semi-final of the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest after the fact. However, I’m luckier than the Aussie fans who have to watch this at 5 in the morning. The dedication!

To start things off, let’s find out how Europe (and Australia!) voted on the songs that are part of Semi-final 1. In their running order (the ones marked in bold qualified to the final):

  1. Moldova
  2. Armenia — Qualified to the Final
  3. Belgium — QF
  4. The Netherlands
  5. Finland
  6. Greece — QF
  7. Estonia — QF
  8. F.Y.R. Macedonia 😢
  9. Serbia — QF
  10. Hungary — QF
  11. Belarus 😭
  12. Russia — QF
  13. Denmark
  14. Albania — QF
  15. Romania — QF
  16. Georgia — QF

Thanks to the votes from all across Europe (and Australia!) Albania, Armenia, Belgium, Estonia, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Romania, Russia, and Serbia are all through to the finals on Saturday (Sunday morning in Australia, and where I live). Now that I’ve watched the full first semi-finals show (thanks to Youtube), here is how I rank the qualifiers going into the final:

© Andres Putting (EBU)

1. Estonia
Elina Born & Stig Rasta – Goodbye To Yesterday

Well, well, well. Look who got their winner status back. That’s the best I’ve heard Stig and Elina sound live. The staging is very clever: the camera work when Elina enters the frame and when Stig leaves the stage, the way that they look at each other with so much passion, the overwhelming emotion that Elina wore on her face at the end of the song. Talinn 2016, anyone?

© Andres Putting (EBU)

2. Russia
Polina Gagarina – A Million Voices

There was no doubt in my mind that Russia would qualify. I still don’t get why the stage needed the band play-syncing their instruments. Also not the most innovative use of the Eurovision-trademarked LED dress. But everything just worked. SMH at those still booing.

© Andres Putting (EBU)

3. Georgia
Nina Sublatti – Warrior

Definitely the superior Warrior. Fierce. Dramatic. Theatrical. Powerful. Probably the best Nina sounded from her national selection. This is one of those that opted for a simpler staging, but made efficient use of the LED screen backdrop and smoke machine. Georgia is back!

© Andres Putting (EBU)

4. Serbia
Bojana Stamenov – Beauty Never Lies

Why did Bojana have to be one of the most talented vocalists this year to be saddled with such a mediocre song? Bojana’s vocals is the highlight of this song. With another vocalist inferior to her, this would totally not qualify. She was pitch perfect during her performance, even during the Eurodance breakdown. Well she probably hit a few bum notes there, but nevertheless. I’m very slowly warming up to this song. Side note: she’s the first one to explicitly thank Australia after her performance. Plus points from down under!

© Andres Putting (EBU)

5. Greece
Maria Elena Kyriakou – One Last Breath

I totally forgot that Europe loves their power ballads. I’m pleasantly surprised to have liked this performance, because Maria performed it with all her power. She nailed every note, with minimal backup vocals to boot, only coming in at the final stretch. The blue and white lighting was simple but it was powerful at the right moments of the song.

© Andres Putting (EBU)

6. Romania
Voltaj – De La Capat / All Over Again

This song sounds even better live. A very emotional anthem, I imagine even more touching to the Romanian diaspora. The staging really builds from the official music video: the suitcases on the floor, snippets of the music video projected on container vans, and even the little boy from the video is with the Romanian delegation in the green room.

© Andres Putting (EBU)

7. Belgium
Loic Nottet – Rhythm Inside

Belgium always bring the quirkiest choreography. Like what is even up with that part where Loic lies on the ground and one of his backup vocalists rests his foot on his abdomen. This was so weird (and creepy) that it stands out from the rest of the songs on the night.

© Andres Putting (EBU)

8. Albania
Elhaida Dani – I’m Alive

I’m sorry but this was a bit painful to listen to. Especially when she’s missing a lot of her high notes. Biggest disappointment of the night. This just dropped out of my Top 5 for me, sadly.

© Andres Putting (EBU)

9. Armenia
Genealogy – Face The Shadow

I still think the second verse is stronger than the first. Not a dig at the singers, but the almost-operatic vocal styling they do in the first verse is not a good intro to the song. It does get exponentially better as the song goes on. And then we get to the climax of the song: where everyone just screams, and not even in unison, as they exhibited in their live performance. I still love Tamar though.

© Andres Putting (EBU)

10. Hungary
Boggie – Wars For Nothing

I know it’s a great message. But this still does not fail to put me to sleep. Why does Russia get flak for submitting a peace song, but Hungary doesn’t, even though Russia’s song is a much better visual and aural experience? (I’ll answer my own question: it’s probably because of Russia’s seemingly anti-peace stance.) The performance is not too far changed from the national selection, but the new visuals looked really great on the Vienna stage.

From the non-qualifiers, I’m really sad to see Belarus not qualify. It’s that damned hourglass. Where were you hourglass when the staging needed you most? I’m also sad for Macedonia, but that staging killed any hope of it going to the final. Not surprised that Finland did not qualify: there was a freaking X in the background, signalling viewers to stay away from voting this act. Clever, production team. Very clever.

Who was your favorite in the first semi-final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2015? Sound off in the comments below.



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