#AsNTM3 Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 3: Episode 8 – Amiciness Picks

This week on Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 3, the remaining models were women on a mission in their photo shoot. And they’re finally out of the studio: on location in different parts of the city of Singapore! Who succeeded and who failed in their mission? Here is my own call out order:

1. Barbara

H to T. Head to toe modeling. Well, strictly speaking her right hand could still be positioned better, and her neck is a bit strained, but that’s just nitpicking. Overall, B is looking more and more expensive shoot after shoot. The gold background complimented her styling, which was flawless. I just wish she didn’t have two of the same bracelets on. Or those bracelets on for that matter. The bounce of the skirt was just heavenly especially the slight peek at her left leg. Astonishing. Bravo Barbara!

2. Tahlia

I have to wonder why the frame is tighter on this photo than the other girls’. Was this cropped, to hide an awkward lower body pose? Or was it intentionally shot this way? If you look at all the photos side by side, this is the odd one out. Either way, Tahlia is serving a glamorous beauty shot. Her hair is soft and smooth and she’s loving it. Is it woman on a mission? Uhh maybe. I’m not quite sure what her mission is. However, this is Tahlia’s best photo so far, miles better than last week.

3. Gani

I am quite puzzled why this particular location was chosen for Gani’s shoot. I stared at it for quite a number of minutes but I got nothing. Anyway, as usual, Gani is giving us fierce, and she looks like she’s on her way to her next espionage mission. I do wonder though if she can give us softer looks for a change. All I see are angles (and bad photo editing, sorry not sorry).

4. Aimee

Aimee looks sweaty in this photo. That’s the first thing that came to my mind, but I doubt this was intentional. Sweaty hair and forehead but no one cared to retouch? This is just a flipped version of Gani’s pose: a very basic lookbook pose. She could have taken advantage of her cape or a pedestrian lane (kidding!). Stripes overload!

5. Monika

Expressionless eyes. Awkward stance. If you switch out the casual wear with a more sporty attire, then this would look like a great sports-themed shoot. What happened? Far from Monika’s best work. Lucky for her she was safe from elimination. (Side note: Her styling is much much better during the hair challenge.)

6. Amanda

What happened #2? Her eyes are intense and determined, which fits the theme. With that comes the bad: her face is stiff, her neck strained, and her left hand in a weird dinosaur hand gesture. The clothes look like they’re wearing her, and not the other way around. These faults ruin an otherwise okay photo overall.

7. KB

No neck monster, again! Talk about being thrown under the bus. Whoever chose her picture was out to get her eliminated. Unless that was the only good picture among her shots. Must be the many bangles on her wrists exhausting her. I agree with Alex: this wasn’t a bad picture per se. But I don’t think she was a woman on a mission in her photo. Great smile though.

So I pretty much agreed with the judges this week. But this week: good news and bad news. Good news: this is the most emotion we’ve seen from Georgina. She has definitely improved with her hosting and showing compassion to the contestants now. Bad news: this freaking photo shoot. It was nothing short of a disaster.

First of all, what is up with the blurred edges and the color grading. They look like they belong on someone’s Instagram feed. A bad Instagram feed. Nothing wrong with these edits if done well, but these pictures are… average. Definitely a couple steps down from the body paint shoot.

Second, what is up with the mix-and-match styling? Aimee and Amanda are wearing the same (or similar) bold striped tops. Amanda’s pants are the same print as Tahlia’s top. KB, Monika, and Barbara seem to be wearing similar brown bangles. Was there not enough budget on clothing and accessories this week?

Third, I know Singapore is a tiny city, but I’m pretty sure there are a lot more photogenic locations than the ones on these photos. And what’s the point of shooting outside if the background is going to get blurred in the end. Might as well have shot in front of a green/blue screen. What made Tahlia’s an interesting photo is that Chinatown is an interesting location in the first place, with a lot of texture. Contrast that to the concrete jungle backdrop for the other girls’ photos, then we have an unfair advantage.

Speaking of unfair advantage, why the hell was Andien even present in the photo shoot if she was only going to be on site only for the Indonesian models. Like, be subtle in your favoritism, por favor. #IndonesiaOnTop (Mind you, this also applies to the Filipinas in the judging panel. #PhilippinesOnTop) End rant.

Next week, we’re finally back to high fashion, after a string of commercial shoots. A promising theme with the aerial challenge, plus we’re back in a studio setting. I hope we get better photos from all of the girls.

Next Episode

The contestants get physical! Heyyy Bruno! And the girls are thrown in the air for a high-fashion aerial photo shoot.


Who was your woman on a mission? Who had the best photo this week? Do you think KB was thrown under the bus? Sound off in the COMMENTS below.

Don’t forget to VOTE in our poll: who among the girls will you grant immunity from elimination? Poll closes 1 hour before the next episode airs.


  1. I’m not loving the fact that the cycle is already beyond halfway and this is basically the first outdoor photoshoot. Cycle 2 is probably the AsNTM cycle that was filled with variety (Batu Caves, Pangkor Laut, Gaya Island) as well as great concepts like the Subaru Plant shoot.

    Last episode’s photo editing reminded me of the ANTM Cycle 17’s Motorbike photoshoot. Now that is bad, bad editing. Based on the teasers for tomorrow’s episode, I don’t think Amanda will be eliminated. It might be Gani, Aimee, or Tahlia.

    1. amiciness says:

      True! I was excited that the girls are finally going outdoors. But then we get these… results. So far, Cycle 2 had better photo shoot concepts, especially the Subaru shoot you mentioned. This cycle’s Subaru shoot (body paint) is their best theme so far. This coming episode might yield great photos too since we’re back to a high fashion theme, even though they’re in the studio for the nth time.

  2. […] While waiting for the episode, you can check out last week’s full recap and my own comments on the girls’ Subaru campaign photos. […]

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