The Poem in Itaewon Class Episode 12

Itaewon Class Episode 12 had me bawling my eyes out at the end. After watching it, I immediately transcribed the poem for everyone’s reference. People need to read this. Let’s all be strong, everyone! Don’t read this if you haven’t watched Episode 12. And if you haven’t watched a single episode of Itaewon Class, ohmygash. Move on na sa CLOY. Watch it na!


“I’m a rock.

Go ahead and sear me.

I won’t budge an inch because I’m a rock.

Go ahead and beat me up

I’m a solid rock.

Go ahead and leave me in darkness.

I’m a rock that will shine all alone.

I don’t break, ash, nor decay as I go against nature’s way.

I survive.

I’m a diamond.”

Itaewon Class, Episode 12
Poem by Gwang Jin creator of the original web comic series Itaewon Class.

I won’t elaborate on the scene. Let’s just all cry and pray for Danbam‘s future. I LOVE THIS POEM!

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