Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 6 Episode 2 “The Girl Who Had Two Chances” Recap

Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 6 Episode 2 premieres tonight 9 P.M. on FOX Life. The girls are getting their makeover looks, and another girl will be eliminated from the running towards becoming Asia’s Next Top Model. 👏

If you haven’t watched the previous episode, check out the Amiciness recap of Episode 1 “The Girl Who Can’t Scream.” We also have a review of the episode and the best photos for the week.

Follow Amiciness on Twitter (@amiciness) for live updates as the show airs. You could also check this page for a running recap of Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 6 Episode 2. This post will be updated as the show goes on. 🙌

Last week, I asked you who you think should’ve gotten FCO for the Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 6 Episode 1 photo shoot, and here are the results…

Congratulations, Jachin! 🏆 Amiciness readers think you should’ve been the FCO for Episode 1. Let’s see if she can get the FCO for Episode 2. 🙌

Here’s how each model mentor’s groups stand so far:

  • Shikin: Jachin, Mia, Thanh Vy (❌Sharnie)
  • Monika: Jesslyn, Iko, Dana, Rubini
  • Tu: Pim, Beauty, Adela, Han

The models return to the model house and see Beauty’s FCO photo on the wall and Sharnie’s goodbye message to her “Quiet Girls” roommates. The girls get a wake-up call that this is really a competition and girls will always go home. Jesslyn: “I’m a model not a stand-up comedian.”. So many one-liners this girl.

Mia says that she is super sad that Sharnie went home, but the other “Noisy Girls” smell BS. It’s looking out to be Mia vs the roommates.

The alumni mentors arrive at the model house the next morning. Monika immediately hugs Jesslyn who almost got eliminated. Iko is confused because she doesn’t know what she’s doing wrong. Jesslyn is more comfortable with runway. Monika advises for everyone of her girls to start fresh. “Team Monika is still complete!”

Shikin’s team losing Sharnie changed her team’s mood. “You have to be ready all the time.” She’s going to train her girls to adapt to every situation because they have to #ExpectTheUnexpected. They mention Beauty as a big threat, and to make her their motivation.

Tu: How do you guys feel?

Han: I feel proud of our team. *smiling*

Tu: I’m not.

Han: *immediately frowns*

Tu is too harsh! 😂 Tu is disappointed in Han and Pim almost being near the bottom. She thinks all of her girls are still too safe and wants to see more of their personalities.

“It’s the perfect time for a… MAKEOVER!!!” It’s a SURPRISE makeover. The girls will only find out their own makeovers after everything is done. They just have to trust the show, I guess. 😂

Makeovers ✂

The girls arrive at the Ketvadi Gandini Salon with Saisuda Chuawiwat. She want to give them makeovers based on their personalities. Pim hasn’t had a makeover so she really doesn’t care what happens. Saisuda says it will only take 5 minutes for Beauty’s makeover. And then they proceed to put on blue hair dye on her. They tell Dana that she’s going to look 3 years younger. Rubini wanted something edgier so she’s disappointed that hers isn’t drastic. Mia hasn’t had a dye job before. They give Thanh Vy’s hair a snip. “I lost half my hair now.” I don’t really see the difference?

Adela panicked when she sees that she gets the bangs. She’s afraid that it’s going to be harder to stand out because of her “cute” look. And they do the bangs treatment for Han too. Thanh Vy looks around the room and sees that Beauty, Jesslyn, and her all got the same makeover hairstyles. She is not impressed. “I look so normal. Nothing special anymore.” And the stylist suggests another haircut. Be careful what you wish for, girl! It’s getting shorter and shorter. Oops. She’s crying now. Shikin: “Stop crying.” OMG these alumni mentors are really tough, eh? 😂

No drastic makeovers this cycle. At least all of them make sense for working models; no weird colors or experimental haircuts like past cycles.

  • Thanh Vy: long bob
  • Rubini: an even shorter bob
  • Dana: color change
  • Jachin: blonde highlights
  • Pim: dark brown
  • Iko: long bob
  • Adela: shorter cut + bangs
  • Han: ahjumma hair + bangs
  • Beauty: dark blue
  • Jesslyn: long straight
  • Mia: dark brown

Cindy Mail: Remember the story of the “Ugly Duckling”

The girls: Are we still ugly? 😂

Mia likes to hang out more in the Quiet Girls room so she visits their room. While there, the other Loud Girls, specifically Pim, sees that Mia writes notes about the other girls. Jesslyn: OMG this is creepy, yo.

I thought this is a model show. Not a psychopath show.

Peter-Kavinsky-whoa-whoa-whoa, hold up Jesslyn. You don’t just accuse people of being psychopaths, okay? 😂 The other girls think now that she’s telling on the Loud Girls to the Quiet Girls. “She’s two faces!” says Jesslyn.

No challenge this week so the scores will be based solely on the photo shoot. It would have been better if there was a challenge specific to the photoshoot. Ballet lessons, perhaps?

Photo shoot: Black Swan vs White Swan

OMG NO MODELS MODELS MODELS, YU TSAI? R U OK? 😂 The photo shoot is based on the Swan Lake ballet. The girls are all paired up. Well of course they paired Mia with Jesslyn. Since there are 11 of them remaining, one of the girls gets an extra shot. Beauty gets that second chance. The pairs:

  • Han & Dana
  • Adela & Iko
  • Beauty & Jachin
  • Mia & Jesslyn
  • Thanh Vy & Pim
  • Beauty & Rubini

Yu Tsai will be this shoot’s photographer. Pressure! Each pair need to tell a story between the two girls. Han is the fierce, mysterious ballerina, and Dana is the soft but regal one. Iko is a ballerina with insecurities and Adela is Iko’s insecurities personified. Thanh Vy is jealous of Pim’s beauty. Jesslyn and Mia are an angel-demon pair. Rubini and Beauty are supposed to be two strong women. I love Han; she thinks pretty maturely for her age.


Malaysian TV personality Marion Caunter, Yu Tsai and Cindy are in this week’s deliberation panel.

FCO: Jachin

Bottom 2: Iko & Jesslyn 🇮🇩

Eliminated: Iko 🇮🇩

Call Out Order 👇

  1. Jachin
  2. Adela
  3. Pim
  4. Dana
  5. Thanh Vy
  6. Mia
  7. Han
  8. Beauty
  9. Rubini
  10. Jesslyn
  11. Iko

Poll Time!

Watch out for the next post for a more in-depth look at the girls’ photos and our own ranking for Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 6 Episode 2. What did you think of the episode? Do you think the right girl went home? What was your favorite part of the episode? Sound off in the comments below.

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