The Girl Who Raised The Stakes: Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 9 Recap

Glenn Tan, Daniel Boey, Cindy Bishop and Yu Tsai on the panel for Asia's Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 9

Tonight, Asia’s biggest model competition continues, and we’re almost a couple of weeks to the finale. 5 girls remain. Who will become Asia’s. Next. Top. Model. Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 9 airs tonight 9 P.M. on STAR World. Follow Amiciness on Twitter (@amiciness) for live updates as the show airs. You could also check this page for a recap of the episode. 🙌

The official synopsis of Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 9, from the official website:

We are down to the Top 5, but not everyone enjoys the view from above during a “Defying Gravity” photoshoot that suspends the models over a thrilling car stunt; and after spending their day off at an eventful Motor Show, the girls are introduced to the biggest game-changer of the season – a new rival with a hidden agenda.

The stakes are raised even higher with Top Model’s most dramatic shake-up yet and the girls must re-strategize in order to keep their place in the competition. Special appearances by famous stunt driver, Russ Swift; celebrity photographer, Kevin Ou; Creative Consultant, Daniel Boey and actor, Bobby Tonelli.

Hmmm… “A new rival with a hidden agenda?” They’re adding another contestant? It might actually be a comeback. That’s pretty much what most people expected from the teaser. Or, this might sound crazy, what if they bring back someone from any previous cycle as a wildcard? Now that would be unexpected.

If you haven’t seen the previous episode, check out my Episode 8 recap and Episode 8 review.

Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 8 Review + Amiciness Picks

Last time I asked you which of the girls were you rooting for to make the Final Four. The results are in, and your preferred Final Four are…

It starts right now.

Previously: the Bad Girls vs. Maureen, go-sees, Tu’s first challenge win, Maureen’s victory and Veronika’s elimination.

Shikin thinks Clara should’ve left over Veronika because of her childishness. Cue flashback. Tu and Shikin give Clara a pep talk.

Maureen is growing more confident. The other girls doubting her drove her to work harder. Cue flashback again. “They underestimated you.”

Tu is strategizing. She thinks only Shikin as her worthy competitor. She wants Maureen to do well so she can kick Clara out. Clara still isn’t seeing Maureen as a threat.

Oh we’re going straight to the Subaru shoot.

Photoshoot: Subaru Defying Gravity

Daniel Boey meets the girls inan empty lot. The girls will be suspended in the air as a Subaru, driven by legendary stunt driver Russ Swift, whizzes by below them. Almost all of the girls are afraid of heights. Yikes! Daniel Boey reminds the girls to point their toes to elongate. All of the girls are wearing super long gowns made from flowy fabric.

They have to stand on a super narrow platform, wearing heels. Plus they have to make sure that the fabric flows properly. Plus make sure that their face and body are perfect. This is a challenge!

Shikin is doing well, except that she’s having a hard time with the timing of her fabric throw. Cindy is struggling that Daniel Boey stops her shoot midway. Oh no! Clara had a bit of difficulty maneuvering the wind. Maureen thought that the fabric was hard to work with, but she didn’t want to overthink.

The girls are being rewarded with a night out at the Subaru Motor Show. A hot man with a white Subaru was waiting for the girls outside. It’s Bobby Tonelli! He can only bring 3; the other 2 have to take the bus. Top 3 from last week tide the Subaru with Bobby. Cindy and Clara are taking the bus.

While C & C have to run shoeless towards the bus station, Tu, Shikin and Maureen have a nice comfortable ride chatting with Bobby. Lucky girls! They talk about their model journey so far and all the drama.

Bobby: Who do you think will win?

Shikin: Me!

Maureen: Don’t underwstimate me girls! I think I’ve learned a lot.

Tu: I don’t see it! I see only beautiful face!

Ooohhh. 🔥🔥🔥 To cool things down a bit, they’re driving through for ice cream.

It seems like it’s Clara’s first time to ride a bus. She’s so amused by the stop bus button. 😂

Cindy Bishop introduces the girls to Subaru boss, Glenn Tan. What did they do to Glenn? Why is he so nice now? 😂 The Subaru ambassadors from past cycles are also there: Natalie, Monika and Tawan.

Clara and Shikin get volunteered to join in Russ’s car stunt. They get inside the boot of one car, when Russ drifts into parallel park behind it. Shikin is pretty excited! Clara is having so much fun!


Clara: Daniel likes the photo but she struggled during the shoot. The others not so much. Her hand is in a weird position. There’s no excitement.

Tu: Daniel found it such a joy to work with in the shoot. Yu Tsai really loves the photo amidst some minor flaws. Glenn is impressed that he is considering using it in a campaign. Cindy points out that her for is not pointed.

Cindy: Not a bad picture but she looked nervous. Yu Tsai loved he whole photo but the details break the illusion. Her face looks scared. Oh now they’re selling Cindy up to Glenn, citing her two past wins. 😒

Shikin: Yu Tsai expected more. Daniel reiterates the puzzle pieces analogy from last week. She’s modelling with hesitation. But Cindy loved the photo, her best look.

Maureen: She’s showing versatility. Daniel says her beauty saved her. The top half is stronger than the lower half. Oh now they’re selling up Maureen now. What is up with these judges?! Yu Tsai says she can no longer use her inexperience as an excuse because it’s Top 5 now.

I believe the deliberation should only be about their photo for the week. Nothing else.


Bottom 2: Clara & Cindy

Eliminated: Cindy It’s a non-elimination!

Call Out Order 👇

  1. Tu
  2. Shikin
  3. Maureen
  4. Clara
  5. Cindy

Cindy has one more surprise. A new girl will join them? It’s Xiao Qing! WHAAATTTTT!!!

Next Episode: Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 10

It’s the recap episode. So we have one more week to speculate about the new girl.

Watch out for the next post for a more in-depth look at the girls’ photos and our own ranking for Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 9. What did you think of the episode? Do you think the right girl went home? What was your favorite part of the episode? Sound off in the comments below.


  1. Anonymous says:

    I am really sad and a lil bit angry to the other fans of maureen. I am a solid maureen supporter but the fans are way too much insulting to shikin. Who knows? she and maureen maybe friends after all.Anyways, I agree with the ranking of the judges tonight though daniel should’ve scored all of the girls higher lol. Maureen did not show her best tonight so she can comeback next week. I am really upset,mad and sad in the last part of the episode. I thought there would be a comeback(which is way better than what happened tonight) but instead they bring a gal that is really not famous and haven’t been competed since the week 1(which is unfair). Anyway I am still looking forward for the upcoming episodes, I really hope the drama will stop and the peaceful environment shall spread xD.

    1. It’s good to know that there are still fans who remain level-headed and do not resort to bashing the other girls. 🙂

      We don’t know yet if she’ll actually be part of the Top 5/6. It might be another twist! #ExpectTheUnexpected 😂

  2. Anonymous says:

    Ugh. I despise this photoshoot for many reasons. Step up, Subaru photoshoot and welcome to you tape 📼

    #1. The photoshoot concept obviously failed since they had to greatly manipulate the photos by bringing the car upfront (making all that drifting car occurence in the background COMPLETELY useless, not only that but they didnt even bother to change our perspective of the car), the girls might as well have posed on a green screen.

    #2. I dont understand the need to levitate the girls. I mean.. unless that car can soar like a magic carpet. I genuinely wouldve preffered more if they are just on the top of the car or sth, that would open for more interesting poses.

    #3. Last, but defo not the least, THAT LONG FLOWY DRESS AGAIN!! (They have that thing LITERALLY every season, I am sooo upset and more importantly betrayed by this photoshoot) I wish they would have more hi-tech outfits or just metallic colored outfits just to at least compliment the car. I just hope to never see this dress ever again. Adios.

    I agree on the COO except maybe swap Maureen and Clara, because Clara did manage to elongate her neck and body, which made her pose differ from the other girls, it almost looked.. spiritual(?) Daniel Boey also being shady with his scores (I see you!)

    On the other hand, the new girl, Chowking, creeped me out a bit. She has this never-blinking eyes and constant smile on her face. I highly suggest for the all of the girls to quickly pull theirselves out of the competition. (But srsly, this HAS to be a fraud. We are down to 4 episodes, one being a recap ep, they cant just possibly add a random girl, right?)

    1. Anonymous says:

      Oh gosh, its too long lol. Sorry, i just had a lot of feelings 😩

      1. Anonymous says:

        Clara actually did well during the shoot vs. Maureen who struggled. I’d go for “broken wing” over a girl who looks like she’s pooped her pants.

        1. Anonymous says:

          Don’t be rude! Judges didn’t make her the 3rd CO for no reason tsk.

        2. Anonymous says:

          Oh i wont say that.. The reason i swapped Mau and Cla is because i felt that Mau can do much more.
          The emotion is already there, but she couldve done a better job with her legs.. She couldve either tipped the swing, raised her leg or just sth risky

          1. Yes, hate me all you want because I do not care says:

            Maureen had her legs popped up but Clara didn’t work the fabric and had problems with her fingers….

            Let me clear things up ok>>>>
            1. Elongated side view face vs. fierce chin-up face
            2. Broken wing vs. a fabric that was used IN THE RIGHT MANNER
            3. TEAPOT FINGERS vs. fingers who grasped tightly on the pole( clearly showing confidence!)

            Welll you see, Maureen had a good top but bad bottom while Clara had a bad top but good bottom…. WHICH IS BETTER?
            P.S. the answer is obvious

          2. Anonymous says:

            Lol dont hate me i love Mau but this is only based on my preferences 😊
            In fact, Maureen is the only one im rooting for who is still in the running.. since Dorothy and Nametha had already left. Ive been rooting for those 3 since the promo shots got released. ☺

          3. countrydv says:

            She did indeed seem like pooping in the pants LOL… And those thunderous legs of hers….. not a top model material at all>>>… and her body proportion is very meh…..despite her pretty face

  3. H says:

    I have a feeling that Xiao Ging is not part of the competition. She is just there to test the Top 5.

    1. Anonymous says:

      Ugh such an awful twist.

  4. Anonymous says:


    1. Anonymous says:

      NO ONE DESERVES TO BE BASHED. Cindy is a nice,sweet and lovable girl, she do needs to learn a lot more but stop the hate and stop being rude.

      1. Anonymous says:

        Cindy should have been eliminated weeks ago.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Your queen Maureen isn’t exactly trying to stop the hate tweets against the other girls. She tweets #OnlyLoveNoHate a lot but that’s all. I’m with the Bad Girls on this one. Something’s fishy about Maureen that can’t be seen on TV.

    1. Anonymous says:

      Oh cmon, we’re all humans, we keep certain lifestyles to ourselves. Of course, Maureen has a bad side, we all do.
      If theres any inauthentic about her, im sure shes just doing her responsibilities as a role MODEL to inspire and empower women(damn we need men in this show).

      In the end, we just chose how we would like to be perceived by people. (ha! I know you cringed so hard on that)

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