The Girl Who Has A Dirty Little Secret: Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 6 Recap

Cycle 3 finalist Aimee Cheng-Bradshaw guest stars on Asia's Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 6

Tonight, Asia’s biggest model competition continues, and we’re getting down the wire. 9 girls remain. Who will become Asia’s. Next. Top. Model. Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 6 airs tonight 9 P.M. on STAR World. Follow Amiciness on Twitter (@amiciness) for live updates as the show airs. You could also check this page for a recap of the episode. 🙌

The official synopsis of Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 6, from the official website:

The models are tasked with an eye-opening social media challenge and a photo shoot that leaves them soaking wet, but the real tension surfaces when a heated confrontation reveals someone’s dirty little secret…reminding everybody to expect the unexpected.

In a dramatic elimination, one of the contestants learns a hard lesson on integrity which reminds everybody to expect the unexpected. Special appearances by celebrity model, Fiona Fussi and Cycle 3 finalist, Aimee Cheng-Bradshaw.

If you haven’t seen the previous episode, check out my Episode 5 recap and Episode 5 review.

Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 5 Review + Amiciness Picks

Last time I asked you who among the Top 10 should have been eliminated, and here are your results:

This week’s social media challenge is brought to you by Acuvue contact lens. The winner will get a year’s supply of contact lenses. “My eyes define what is uniquely me.”

Challenge: Social Media Challenge

The girls need to snap 3 Polaroids of their unique eye look. The girls are grouped into teams.

  • Shikin, Dorothy, Nametha
  • Maureen, Tu
  • Cindy, Veronika
  • Clara, Valerie

Shikin is unimpressed by her teammates’ photo skills. “We’re not photographers, we’re models!” 😂

Maureen says she’s used to photography but is having a hard time using the Polaroid to take Tu’s photos. When it was Tu’s turn to take Maureen’s photos, they were so much better. Tu makes a deal that if Maureen wins she gets the prize share. 😂

Cindy likewise is having a hard time using the camera. In one shot Veronika isn’t even in the frame.

Clara blames the Polaroid for Valerie’s bad photos. And she also blames Valerie’s face 😂 The twins are clearly used to taking Polaroid photos! The frustration is real! 😂

Challenge Winner: Dorothy

Really creative and embodied her assigned personality. She felt that the Good Girls didn’t agree with her win. Tu & Valerie are at the bottom with 7.5. “You’re giving judgments but now you’re saying you’re not the judge” NAMETHA SLAY! The Good Girls confront her about the way she treats the other girls. “I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings, sweetheart.” THE SASS! I’m living for this! 😂

Photo shoot: Neutrogena Rain Bath Shower Gels

Cindy, Yu Tsai and Cycle 3 finalist Aimee meet the girls in a studio. The girls will take photos while submerged in a bathtub full of water. Aimee is the face of Neutrogena.

The winner will become the face of Neutrogena in a nationwide campaign. Joel Lim is the photographer for this shoot.

Maureen wants to show a different side of her and Cindy thinks she succeeded. Dorothy is confident that she can nail this commercial shoot, but Yu Tsai warns her not to be too commercial. Shikin is not too confident about her commercial skills though.

Cindy asked Clara if she knew what they were going to do in the shoot. Clara answers, “Swimming!” No, honey, you’re just taking a bath. You can’t really swim inside a bathtub. 😂 The other Cindy is having a hard time following the photographer’s and the judges’ directions. Yu Tsai literally had to approach the tub and keep her head in place. He’s getting more frustrated. Uh oh.

Tu had a hard time at first because she was scared to go unde the water. She was wearing her contact lens, but when she took those out she posed much better. Veronika wasn’t listening to Yu Tsai’s instructions.

The line differentiating the Good Girs and Bad Girls is blurring. The twins confront Nametha about her breaking the rules. She used wi-fi which is not allowed on the show. The twins found this out through Clara, but she also forewarned Nametha about the twins confronting her. “What the hell, Clara?! Which side are you on?” says one of the twins. Veronika and Valerie want her to be punished.


Maureen: trust your instincts and become the top model you can be. Yu Tsai now believes that she has the material to become one.

Dorothy: judges were disappointed because they thought this shoot was made dor her

Shikin: Yu Tsai isn’t impressed.

Tu: her photos were way too sexy, and Tu agrees. But the judges want her to learn restraint and different levels of sexy.

Cindy: Yu Tsai likes the photo (of course) but the judges note how hard it was to get that photo

Clara: doesn’t have the peaceful vibe. The judges wanted more from her

Veronika: Yu Tsai brings up the problem in her photo shoot. She needs to listen to the mentors because they’re here to help.

Valerie: Not typical Neutrogena image but she looks expenive. Oh this was the last shot. She got lucky

Nametha: Stunning, the future of fashion industry, but…

Now they’re bringing up the wi-fi issue. Nametha says she understands the rules and that she only sent one message. It’s a breach of contract Cindy says. She asks Dorothy about her opinion. “This is a competition. She needs to get eliminated.” Ouch! Nametha v the whole of AsNTM. The panel will take this into consideration when scoring. Everyone turned against her except for Shikin (I think)

FCO: Cindy

Bottom 2: Dorothy & Veronika

Eliminated: Dorothy NO ONE. It’s a non-elimination. Oops what, it’s Nametha

Call Out Order 👇

  1. Cindy
  2. Nametha
  3. Maureen
  4. Shikin
  5. Valerie
  6. Clara
  7. Tu
  8. Veronika
  9. Dorothy

Nametha is called back up on stage. Cindy says that they have decided to eliminate Nametha for breaching the rules. “Let this be a lesson…” Rules are rules. 🙁 🙁 🙁

Poll Time!

Next Episode: Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 7

The girls have their first film shoot. Plus, more DRAMA. Ugh. Enough!

Watch out for the next post for a more in-depth look at the girls’ photos and our own ranking for Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 5 Episode 6. What did you think of the episode? Do you think the right girl went home? What was your favorite part of the episode? Sound off in the comments below.


  1. I think there must be double elimination

  2. Robin says:

    next week one of the twins will be eliminated… then Dorothy ..uh ohh
    ep 7 : shikin got FCO , Maureen will be on bottom 2.
    ep 8 : Valerie got FCO, Cindy & Dorothy will be on bottom 2.. then Dorothy eliminated.

    1. I will wait for thr next 2 week EP and i will prove what you say

    2. Where did you get this info? Or are these just predictions? 😀

  3. Anonymous says:

    Clara is such a character. 😂

  4. Anonymous says:

    Integrity my ass. Cindy Bishop.. Spying is also vialotion of integrity

    1. Countrydv1 says:

      The girls have signed a contract of which content cannot be breached. Using wi-fi is definitely one of the major rules that shall not be broken without punishment take place as its consequence. Spying is apparently not one of the rules in the contract. As Dorothy said “Sorry for not sorry” LOL

      1. Welcome back, countrydv1! 🙂

  5. Anonymous says:

    Oh crap i actually didnt expect that! With that amount of confessionals, i presumed she at least will make it to the top 5

    1. Nametha- (*Septa Unella breaks wall* SHAME) ugh maybe a time penalty in the next photoshoot would be fair punishment. Shes totally holding back her emotions 😢

    2. Shikin
    3. Cindy- she looks great but also a bit scared. (i like that theyre helping her do better at photoshoots but i hope they do the same for the other girls, it just seems unjust..)
    4. Tu
    5. Valerie
    6. Maureen- i don’t know what went wrong.. But she does look a bit older here. Maybe its the dress or makeup?

    7. Clara- okay she’s extra annoying but she’s also funny esp. when shes whining lol

    8. Veronika- she just looks dead here

    9. Dorothy- theyre totally sabotaging her. There ARE better frames than this. Looking at this photo makes me uncomfortable, HIDE YO KEEDZ

    1. I’m seriously impressed by Nametha’s versatility. She can be badass in one photo, and she can look vulnerable in another.

      I mentioned in my Episode 3 review that it seems Yu Tsai has a… um… preference for Cindy. We seem to be in agreement about that 😀

      1. Anonymous says:

        In actuality, i wouldve never expected a soft photo from Nametha, so this truly astonished me

        I reread your ep3 review and did a lil research.. seems like yu tsai has been constantly giving dorothy 6.5 too 😰

        1. Anonymous says:

          The emoji looks different but thats fine lol

        2. Ooh thanks for pointing that out. I’ll probably have to look into the judges’ scores as evidence of this “preference” in a future episode review. 🙂

        3. Again, thank you for this info, anon. Your findings inspired a whole section on my Episode 6 Review. 🙂

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