Kissin’, Kickin’ and Killin’! Riverdale 1×06 Faster, Pussycat Kill Kill Recap

Archie (K.J. Apa) and Veronica (Camila Mendes) on Riverdale 1x06 Faster Pussycat Kill Kill (CW via IMDB)

Amiciness is back to discuss Riverdale 1×06 Faster, Pussycat Kill Kill. This show just keeps on serving the twists. Last episode ended with a bang, but this episode does not disappoint. We finally find out what happened to Polly Cooper. But will we ever find out who killed Jason Blossom? As usual,SPOILER ALERT❗ if you haven’t watched the episode.

Josie (Ashleigh Murray) performs with the Pussycats on Riverdale 1x06 Faster Pussycat Kill Kill (CW via IMDB)
Josie (Ashleigh Murray) performs with the Pussycats (CW via IMDB)

The Pussycat’s Out of the Band 👯

We get to know Josie and the Pussycats a lot more this episode who have mostly served as the “musical guest” thus far. Even Melody, the drummer, hasn’t spoken any line for the past five episodes!

The variety show is coming up, and of course, Josie & The Pussycats are set to perform. During rehearsals, Josie was being extra claw-ful to her bandmates, which prompts Valerie to quit. The bridge requires two voices, Josie! I almost wanted Jason’s killer to get Josie too, but it turns out she was just acting up. Her douche of a hipster dad, who has super high expectations for her daughter, is in town, on break from his jazz tour. He doesn’t approve of her daughter doing unsophisticated “pop” music. Ugh!

Archie (K.J. Apa) auditions for the variety show on Riverdale 1x06 Faster Pussycat Kill Kill (CW via IMDB)
Archie (K.J. Apa) auditions for the variety show (CW via IMDB)

Archie also auditioned for a spot on the variety show. He has this weird thing where he sees the audience in werewolf masks when he gets stage fright. And he does, which makes him choke. He thinks that he’ll feel more comfortable on stage with a singing partner. Veronica volunteers. But because Archie has been super selfish lately, he went on to practice his duet with Valerie without even bothering to tell Veronica.

In a fit of rage because of the betrayal, among other issues, Veronica goes over to the Pussycats, who were looking for a new band member to fill in Valerie’s old spot. In the end though, Valerie reunites with the Pussycats after some convincing from Archie. Josie and Valerie make up (over some Covergirl makeup) right before the show. Good thing they still kept Veronica as the fourth member. I was worried that we weren’t gonna hear her actually sing because Camila Mendes has a great voice.

Who Kissed Who? 💋

There was a lot of kissing this episode. Both for the Riverdale parents and the kids.

Hermione Lodge, Veronica’s mom, is now working at Freddie Andrews’ construction company. After turning down Freddie’s advances and wanting to remain friends, this episode they’re involved in a not-so-secret romantic affair. This leads to a passionate make-out sesh, which Veronica sees. She is fuming! She doesn’t want Mommy to break up with Daddy, because when he gets free from prison they’re going to be one happy family again. Archie, on the other hand, approves and wants his dad to be happy, without even considering that Hermione is still married. Selfish and inconsiderate!

Betty & Jughead have grown pretty close since working the Jason Blossom case for the Blue & Gold. Seriously, the way Juggie looks at Betty makes me melt. This relationship culminates in the cutest kiss, complete with Juggie climbing up a ladder to enter through Betty’s window. (Literally, not figuratively!) Oh and Archie and Valerie kiss this episode, too. What a surprise… not.

Betty & Jughead Bughead on Riverdale 1x06 Faster Pussycat Kill Kill (CW via IMDB)
Betty & Jughead (#Bughead) (CW via IMDB)

Holy Moly, Polly! 👶

Yes. Polly is real. The Betty & Jughead Detective Agency conducted their recon at the Cooper house. Jughead came over for breakfast (this show loves its awkward family meals!) as a distraction, so that Betty can look for clues about where Polly was. It turns out she was sent to a home for troubled youth. The Coopers sent her there because she was “sick,” but the real reason, according to Polly anyway, is they wanted to stop her from running away with Jason Blossom.

Oh, and did I mention, Polly. is. pregnant. Shocking! So that’s the reason they were running away, and why Jason was selling all of his possessions and drugs. They’re saving up for their family. Aww. Jason really isn’t so bad after all… for now. However, Polly wants to get out of the asylum to meet up with Jason. She doesn’t know Jason’s dead, and Betty breaks the news to her. Betty promises to get Polly out, but not before Mommy Cooper shows up. She knows!

During the #Bughead kiss, Betty suddenly remembers Polly mention something about Jason and Polly’s meeting place. (Apparently, kissing makes you remember things. HAHA!) So they decide to check the place out. They find a car with Jason’s stuff, his jacket, and some drugs. They run to the Sheriff to tell him about this new evidence. But when they arrive at the scene, the car is already on fire. Someone doesn’t want this case to be solved, that’s for sure. Oh, also, Jughead and Betty head back to the home for troubled youth to rescue Polly, but then… she’s missing! Where did you run to, Polly?!

Next Episode

The spotlight is on Jughead next episode! Jughead’s hot daddy is back! But oh no! Jughead is summoned by the sheriff! Is this because he touched the evidence? Or does it involve his dad? And will we ever find out where Polly ran off to?

Shirtless Archie Tracker (SAT) 😫

Sadly and unfortunately, Archie had his shirt on the whole episode. Don’t fail me next episode, Riverdale!

Random Musings

  • That Covergirl product placement while Josie put on mascara was not at all subtle. 👁
  • I want someone who looks at me the way Jughead looks at Betty… and at food. Juggie is ❤
  • I love the interaction between V and Josie this episode. Their bonding over their daddy issues is bittersweet.
  • Mommy Cooper is pure evil! When Betty confronts her dad, asking if he killed Jason Blossom, Mrs. Cooper lets out the most maniacal laugh. She couldn’t believe that Hal was capable of killing Jason, let alone hurting someone.
  • What if Polly was the one who set the car on fire? Are we supposed to trust her 100%? What if she actually is mentally unstable?
  • I love that Josie and the Pussycats were in their classic costumes! “Josie and the Pussycats. Long tails and ears for hats.” 🎧
  • Did you spot Kevin trying to do the Pussycats’ dance moves at the side of the stage during the variety show?
  • The music on this show is so good, it’s so good, it’s so good, it’s so good, it’s sooo goooood. (Love Donna Summer!)

Oh, and in case you didn’t already know, Riverdale has its own Spotify account for the original music on the show. Here’s some of the songs:

Favorite Lines

Seriously, Veronica gets all the best lines!

  • What we’re attempting is a stealth operation, Archie. If we go in there with the entire Scooby gang, forget it, we’re compromised. — Jughead
  • Don’t judge a home for troubled youths by its facade. — Jughead
  • They’re parents. They’re all crazy. — Jughead
  • Veronica ex machina!
  • What do you say, Archiekins? Be the Jay to my Bey? — Veronica
  • You Ginger Judas! — Veronica, after finding out she’s being replaced
  • Focus on someone that makes you feel safe — Veronica comforting Archie before he takes the variety show stage

What did you think of the episode? Were you surprised about Polly? Are you loving #Bughead? Do we have enough clues to find out who killed Jason Blossom? Sound off in the comments below.

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