How I Make Worklife Easier

Being stressed at work is natural. No matter what your job or working style is, it happens. Urgent deadlines, unreasonable sales quotas, heavy work load, a demanding boss or a cold office environment (literally and figuratively) can cause you to pull your hair out and hyperventilate once in a while. As members of the working world, we have no choice but to deal with the stress of our working lives. It’s part of the job, kumbaga.

Let’s try to lessen your breakdowns. Shall we? (Via Reaction Gifs)

In my second vlog, I give you some of my tips on how to make work life easier and less stressful based on my 5 and a half years of being part of the most taken-for-granted sector of society. #HUGOT!

This is my entry to Nuffnang and FERN-C‘s #WorklifeAyEasy Blog Contest. Ang Worklife ay Easy with FERN-C! Subok Na! Know more about how FERN-C can make your worklife easier on their official website and on their social media accounts:

Hey! How about you? How do you deal with work-related stress? How do you make your work life easier and less stressful? How do you see the difference in your everyday work life?

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