Sponge Cola: Yael’s Birthday Show (in Snaps)

For those who know me, you’d know that there are only two active bands that I follow devotedly. One is One Direction and the other is Sponge Cola. I think these two are the only bands that have songs I know by heart. Odd combination but it’s true.

Signed, Sealed, Delivered
Signed, Sealed, Delivered

I have been a fan of Sponge Cola and their songs since their first album, Palabas. I think I have all their albums except for the special edition of the debut album and thanks to a friend, they’re all signed by Yael (Yey!). The band has been a suki of my alma mater, LSM during school fairs and other fundraising events. Since then, I’ve never been to an actual gig except one time during a U-Break in DLSU in 2007 and just this year in a school fair in St. Paul Pasig. I also lost touch because our new cable operator didn’t have MYX. Fortunately, social media managed to do wonders of keeping people like me informed, though I miss reading updates via the band’s official Yahoo group.

Sponge Cola

Last Friday, November 22, I went to my first Sponge Cola gig in Teatrino in Greenhills, with special guests, Karylle, Jane Oineza, Jhong Hilario, Noel Comia, Cha-Cha Cañete and Chris Cantada. Incidentally, it’s Yael’s Birthday Show. Woohoo! I love his Jon Snow hair BTW. I went to the concert alone and was seated at the balcony beside all of Yael’s relatives including her mom. I wish my mom was as proud of me as she was of Yael. She was singing and clapping along. She listened intently especially during Makapiling Ka. I didn’t know it was dedicated to her. I love the song even more now! The event was hosted by #NoFilter‘s Khalil Kaimo who took care of the raffle and trivia contest. Too bad my number wasn’t called, I was prepared to sing Nakapagtataka. Hahaha! I had only taken a few (very short) videos and pictures). My phone was dying and I had to reserve my battery to grab an Uber going home. No regrets there. However, I also didn’t get to take a picture with Sponge Cola especially Yael. I tried to fall in line but I went home anyway. 🙁


As the band performed songs from past albums, I was reminded of the memories attached to those songs. The singles from Palabas reminded me about high school. I remember how our whole class sang Jeepney on the bus ride to the retreat house, how my seat mate always sang Lunes‘ chorus repeatedly. And I mean, repeatedly. The times I voted for Una in the MYX Daily Top Ten. The friend who gave me the album as an exchange gift became somebody that I used to know.  And the endless wondering about the title of my favorite Palabas song, 22. Bakit nga ba 22?! Sa tuwi-tuwina………na #Mindboggledsince2004

I listened to Transit in college when I was studying and staying up all night. I played the album out loud to keep me awake. I played Sa Bingit ng Isang Paalam on repeat while crying when I failed one of my engineering math subjects. I could not count how many times the album looped on my iTunes. That’s probably close to how many times I was on the verge of failing. (Fortunately, I survived HAHA!) The third album was also memorable since Ange, my only Sponge Cola fan-friend in college moved to Canada. If I could remember correctly, I think I tried and failed to send the songs to her via YM due to poor internet connection. *sighs* Those were the days.

Heypie bertdey!!

In more recent times, Kailangan Kita came out when I was already working. More specifically, when I found out that I was not going to be promoted. I got really sad and affected so I did what I had to do to be happy. I found a promotional post on Facebook/Twitter so I downloaded the single on iTunes and it even got me a fan sign from Yael. It really made me happy. I listened to the song until the hurt was gone. :’)

One of the things that make Sponge Cola great is that its fanbase in 2004 is still part of its fanbase now. A school concert starring Sponge Cola was my first concert and, this year, I accompanied my sister at her school. The ten/eleven-ish year gap not only makes me feel old but it also reminds me how Sponge Cola managed to transcend generations through the years.

Here’s Sponge Cola: Yael’s Birthday Show in Snapchat view. Sorry I was not as witty as I should have been. I was trying to enjoy the moment.

I was waiting all my life to hear Una  (and this part) live. HAHA

Listen to Sponge Cola’s latest single from GMA7’s Dangwa.


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