Poop (Toilet Café) #Korea

In Korea, you can expect the unexpected (and in the cutest and most delightful form nonetheless). If you happen to be in Seoul, don’t you dare miss passing by Insa-dong (인사동). Insa-dong gave me this artsy-fartsy (no pun intended) hipster feel. Every bit of it is celebrating the colors of Korean culture, beautifully weaving together old and new traditions. I bought a bunch of one-of-a-kind items there. One of it is a pocket mirror shaped like a teardrop; a very unique idea for pasalubong. I will definitely be back!

If Myeong-Dong has a dog café, a cat café and a Hello Kitty Café, go to the top floor of Insa-dong and you’ll find Poop (not literally poop, but a small cute toilet-themed coffee shop).

Everything inside it is toilet-themed, even the coffee mugs (for hot drinks only). You can’t imagine my joy seeing this shop. Who would have thought this is possible? Well, everything is possible on this side of Asia. My only comment is that the actual toilet was nothing extraordinary.

It is also worthy to note that this place has the optimal lighting for taking photographs. I took these pictures around 2:30 in the afternoon. #NoFilter #InstaWorthy

I ordered a rose latté mainly because it looked pretty in the picture, and naturally it tasted like flowers. The price range of the menu is pretty much the same as any coffee shop. Beside the shop is a small stand that sells poop-shaped bread with red-bean or chocolate filling. Yum!

I really felt relaxed in this place. Maybe that’s the basic premise of creating this café. We are most relaxed when we’re on the toilet. LOL. See you soon Poop Café!

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