#AsNTM2 Episode 10: “The Island Girl” aka “Girl Who is Lost” Recap

Not much happened this episode of #AsNTM2. It might be because a lot of things got edited out following the MH370 incident.

Oh well, I guess the producers decided to change the title from The Girl Who is Lost to The Island Girl at the last minute.

Here’s a quick recap of this week’s #AsNTM2 episode:


Marie is really sad that her best friend in the model house, Natalie, has been eliminated. Natalie wrote her a goodbye letter and Marie was in tears. On the other side, Team Nicole were saying how the other girls now feel what they feel when their friends get eliminated.

Since there are only six of them left now (and because they were a little bit bored), they decided to play a game of Truth or Dare.

Eww at the ear-licking. More ewww at the toe-sucking. “Who’s the fakest in the model house?” Katarina answers: Sheena. Marie vs Nicole. In that instance, I am Team Marie. Nicole has been very much like a pendulum with her emotions.

The girls got a personal wake-up call from Nadya. She brought the news that the girls needed to pack their bags for a trip to Gaya Island Resort in Sabah.

Challenge: Cast Away

The girls needed to find the perfect location for their photo shoot. They went hiking through a nature trail with Justin, their guide. Sheena didn’t seem to really like hiking.

So… I didn’t really see the point of this challenge. It wasn’t even remotely related to modeling.

Anyway, Team Nicole decided to frolic in the waters, while Team Marie looked on from the beach. The girls discussed how Nicole shouldn’t have gone sans bra, and we got a brief censored scene of the crime (hehe).

All of the girls then went back to their hotel by yacht. (So Sheena wouldn’t complain again about hiking ;P)

The girls transferred to another yacht where judge Adam Williams and guest British supermodel Jade Parfitt were. They asked Jade questions about the modeling industry, and they talked about the ideal size for a model, which of course was a size 0. Then, this happened:

I can go to size 0 whenever I want but you can’t change your face.

— Katarina, in response to Sheena’s eye-roll(?)

Whoa. Girl be throwing major shade LOL

The girls dined with Marina Fairfax from Storm Models Management, to which they aspire to have a contract with as part of the grand prize.


The theme is castaway while wearing high-fashion gowns from world-renowned Australian fashion designer, Alex Perry. Model-turned-photographer Jack Guy shoots the girls’ photos. Hair and makeup stylist to the stars Jen Atkin is also present.

I must say, overall, the photos this week were bad. It was a bit of a surprise since all of the girls seemed to look good on the video package during the photoshoot. The final results were dismal, to say the least. I’m not sure who to blame here: the girls, their mentors, the photographer, or the person who chooses the final photo. I’m guessing it’s the last one.

Anyway, here is the girls’ call out order, with some of my comments:

1. Jodilly – Hers was the only good photo of the bunch. Her gown looked the heaviest but she still managed to do a jump shot. The movement works with the gown she wore. However, this is not her best shot.

2. Katarina – This would’ve been a great shot, if not for the neck. I agree that it has that 50’s bombshell look to it. She has a classic Hollywood look and it really works in this photo.

3. Sheena – This was actually the worst photo for me. She looked angry; there’s no movement. It’s just bland. She got the castaway part right, but not the high-fashion component.

4. Marie – Again, bad photo. She looks to be midway to a pose. (Her feet seem to be in a walking stance.) This might be her worst photo so far.

5. Nicole – I don’t think this deserved to be this low in the ranking. Although I think the gown is stealing the show. It’s so beautiful, with the dark lace fabric contrasting with the bright blue waters in the background. Not as bad as last week.

6. Josephine – Cue the Titanic-soundtrack flutes, ha! WHY. I think this photo was going for easy, breezy, beautiful, but it just looks strained, rigid, and painful. This is her worst photo for sure.

Bottom Two: Nicole and Josephine

Eliminated: Josephine


Next Episode:

From the official Twitter page:

I think they’re showing this instead of the supposedly omitted episode, where the girls have a photoshoot inside a hangar. This we can assume to be the Malaysia Airlines-sponsored episode.

This is maybe why there was no preview for the next episode at the end of the show. 🙂

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