#AsNTM2 Episode 7: “The Girl Who is in the Spotlight” Recap

This episode is all about the hair. Thanks Tresemme! We are also reminded that, say it with me now, 2014 is Visit Malaysia year.

Here are the highlights for this episode:



1. Nicole vs Janice

They’re in the same car. Janice tries again to apologize, but Nicole isn’t taking any of it.

“So when I cry, it’s dramatic and when you cry it’s emotional.”

-Nicole as she opens the car door. Cray cray.

According to Nicole, in Singapore, apologizing is showing you are worthy of being forgiven through actions.

On the other hand, according to Janice, in Indonesia, they say sorry first then slowly try to work things out.

Janice tries to apologize again in the kitchen, and this time it goes better.

2. Challenge: Day and Night Hairstyles

The girls are tasked to create hairstyles using Tresemme products. With Adam Williams and Lourd Ramos guiding, the girls must create a hairstyle that can be worn in the day.

The hairstyles by Sneha, Tia, Natalie, Josephine, and Janice aren’t good enough, and they are cut from participating in the second part of the challenge.

Jodilly, Katarina, Sheena, Nicole, and Marie create their night hairstyles by having partners from those who were cut earlier.

Sheena & Josephine (Malaysia boleh!)

Nice. Sheena would look good with shorter hair as it shows her features.

Katarina & Tia

Shows inexperience with using hair products to create a seamless, smooth look.

Jodilly & Sneha

Palm tree! Mike Rosenthal applauds her for her boldness.

Marie & Natalie (BFFs)

Simple but versatile. Can also work as a daytime look.

Nicole & Janice

Styling short hair is challenging. Not much different from daytime; can experiment more.

Challenge Winner: Sheena. The reward is a luxurious hotel lunch. She picks Josephine to join her.

3. Photoshoot: Night Look and Glamorous Hair

Wearing dresses designed by world-renowned Malaysian designer Farrah Khan, and with UKay Cheung behind the lens, the girls flaunt their nighttime hairstyles with the city skyline as backdrop. Guest star, Asian pop star Coco Lee, together with Mike Rosenthal and Adam Williams direct the girls’ poses.

Because they were the bottom 2 last week, Janice and Tia only get 10 frames. Aside from that, they all get to watch each other during their photoshoots. Cue Coco Lee’s fangirls!

Here are the comments on the model’s photos, in order of Nadya’s call out:

First call out: Marie. She’s so back this week. One of her best photos so far.

Runner-up: Nicole. She rocked the short hair and made it pop against the dark background. She thought she did badly, which prompted guest judge Coco Lee to give here a confidence pep talk. Still consistently at the top.

(As of writing time, her photo has not been uploaded yet. Blasphemy!)

Sheena.Coco Lee said that she is a chameleon — can be glamorous, as in the photo, and can be a “rock chick.” The photo would great for a Tresemme ad campaign.

Katarina. Looked glamorous and effortless in her beauty shot. She finally has a good photo.

Jodilly. Definitely not her best, but the judges still think she did a fabulous job.

Natalie. Soft, womanly, glamorous, but the judges think she needs to act more aggressively in the competition.

Josephine. The photo would’ve been much better with her chin down, but she kept on doing the chin up pose in her other shots.

Bottom 3: Sneha, Tia, Janice

Tia. Eyes and hair work, but doesn’t match the body. She looks feline.

Sneha. The body position was bad and unflattering. Tip: Think opposites. With this position, one shoulder should be up.

Janice. Okay photo but still very much lacking in improvement.

Double elimination: Sneha & Janice

Nadya looks like she’s holding one last photo, but, surprise, surprise, the photo is blank. Both of them are eliminated.

That is to be expected as last week was a non-elimination. It was time for both of them to go as they have appeared multiple times in the bottom. There was little improvement with their photos week to week.

Next week:

  1. Island bikini shoot (again because, say it with me now, 2014 is Visit Malaysia year)
  2. Creepy crawlies!

Did you think Marie deserve best photo? What can you say about the double elimination?

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