Kimmy Dora 3 Movie Review

When I heard that there would be a third and final installment of Kimmy Dora, I sighed and thought that it was kind of unnecessary.

Fortunately, I saw the trailer and decided to watch the movie. I was so wrong. This was one of the few instances when the trailer leveled with the quality of the movie. 

The Kimmy Dora prequel was as relevant as its first installment (Sadly, I never got the chance to see the sequel).

Click the poster to watch the trailer on Youtube.

image Warning: Spoilers after the Jump

Since it was a prequel, anything could be expected as long as it ended the way the first Kimmy Dora started.

This allowed the movie to offer a fresh take on the main characters wonderfully played by Eugene Domingo. The movie started with Kimmy’s graduation and Dora’s unexpected theatrical performance as Bona (title role originally played by Nora Aunor). The idea that Bona would be played by Dora immediately tickled my senses. The moment I saw Bona pouring colorful confetti to Gardo (played by Edgar Allan Guzman, originally played by Philip Salvador), I knew the movie would be funnier, wittier and better than the first two installments (and Girl, Boy, Bakla, Tomboy, no offense).

Simple yet Engaging

The plot was not unique. It was intentionally made to be simple, I guess? There was an introduction, a conflict and resolution. Since this was a comedy, there’s no need for a Inception-ish plot.

The twins were put at a point where they needed to work for the company. In order to get them familiarized with it, they were forced to undergo an internship program. Guided by an AVP, Rodan (Sam Milby), they were immersed in different roles and industries starting from the bottom.

After a week of experiencing working as parking fee collectors, security guards, sales ladies and call center agents, the twins were secretly evaluated by their father Luisito (Ariel Ureta), Curtis (Joel Torre), Bridget (Angel Aquinoand other members of the  board of directors. Eavesdropping, Kimmy would react badly and would later confront her father on the ridiculous program considering her scholastic attainments and level of intelligence. It is later revealed that the program was intended to be as slow as possible to help Dora cope.

It is always about her” 

– Kimmy

The following week, the twins were assigned individually to different roles. Dora was assigned as a cashier in a fast food chain. While Dora was working, there was a sudden food-poisoning breakout. All the customers started barfing and getting sick. On the other hand, Kimmy was in the air working as a flight attendant. Abruptly, the engine failed and the plane had to have an emergency landing.They learned that the incidents were attacks from the mysterious main antagonist called Bogart.

Because of Curtis’ suspicious actions, Kimmy suspected him to be the person behind Bogart’s cloaks. This was quickly negated as they found Curtis stabbed on the office rooftop.

Caught by the guards, Kimmy and Dora became fugitives and went into hiding. Rodan found the twins. Not knowing that Rodan was an accomplice of Bogart, the twins followed him and soon became hostages.

They would escape and eventually figure out who was the real Bogart — it was Bridget. (Come to think of it, their names were both starting with B and ending in T). Bridget and Rodan kidnapped Luisito.

Curtis showed Kimmy and Dora what’s inside the abandoned floor in their office. The floor used to be a department that researched and invented high-technology weapons (used to be run by both Curtis and Bridget). Curtis showed the twins a machine that could inject skills and talents to one’s brain. Rodan was one of the guinea pigs.

Obviously, Dora needed the upgrade. Kimmy injected her with various skills and talents ranging from martial arts to folk dances. With the newly improved Dora 2.0, Kimmy found the sister that she never had. Someone that could level with her. Together, they trained to save their father.

Kimmy and Dora went to Bridget’s hiding place to “ransom” their father. Discovering that the money was fake, Bridget showed Luisito wrapped in bombs in the second floor.

Bridget had Rodan attack the twins. In defense, Dora fought equally. Bridget and Kimmy controlled the two using an app in a device. After the fight scene, Rodan got killed. Unable to accept her defeat, Bridget kicked Kimmy, grabbed and broke Kimmy’s device. This caused Dora to return to her original state before being able to diffuse the bombs.

Kimmy instructed Dora about which wires to cut. Because of the confusing colors of the wires (orange and tangerine, aqua and turquoise, fuchsia and magenta), Dora panicked. In the end, Dora managed to save their father.

The family celebrated with a party where everything was “resolved.” Kimmy and Dora accepted their differences and we were introduced to some characters from the original Kimmy Dora movie.


1. Opening Credits – Not many people laughed during the opening credits (James Bond inspired with random floating food) but I sure did laugh hard especially during the suman part.

2. Bona – As mentioned earlier, this was one of my favorite highlights. It was really funny how Dora interpreted Nora Aunor’s critically acclaimed role.

3. Brown Rice – You need to watch the movie to find out what brown rice is.

4. Script – In the first Kimmy Dora movie, there were punchlines that were not really funny or were too “intellectual” to be understood. In the prequel, I think the dialogue was almost perfect as I was laughing the whole time. Of course, that’s just me.

5. Special Effects – Except the fireworks, the special effects were good especially the scenes where Kimmy and Dora were together.

6. Girl with an Oily Face – Addressing a reporter by the oiliness of her face was just funny.

7. After-Credits – I don’t know if this was done before or after the announcement of MMFF nominees but this shows the level of Eugene Domingo’s sportsmanship has. I can only imagine how exhausting it is for Eugene Domingo to play such extreme characters. She truly deserves an award or at least a nomination.


1. Clothes and technology – I’m not sure if this was a miss or a hit…The clothes and technology were very futuristic. This was supposed to be a prequel. Wasn’t it? Or was this intended as irony? Maybe.

2. Production Design – The production design was good. However, a LOT of plastic bags were used in creating Bogart’s hideout. I cry for the environment.

3. Contact Lenses – The contact lenses were a bit distracting (Dora and Sam Milby). I don’t know if this was intended for Sam Milby’s role.


1. Sam Milby’s Role – Sam Milby’s Role was very limiting and overall, disappointing but he did what he could do with it.

2. Fight Scenes – Most of the fight scenes tended to get boring.

3. Last Scene where the Wires were Cut by Dora – I was expecting a “flashback” to make Dora recall the difference between each color.

4. Cameos – Some cameos were nicely placed. Some were unnecessary and confusing (i.e. Zanjoe Marudo’s).

5. Plot – Although the movie did not need a complicated storyline, I had to state this, the plot was predictable.

Overall, the movie is a must-see in terms of quality and entertainment value. It was sad that Eugene Domingo did not get any nomination when it was obvious that she exerted so much effort and heart.

It was one of the few movies that did not make me regret spending 220 pesos.

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